Just posted a video demonstrating the @BeatsMedical metronome app designed for PwP's. parkinsons.me/blog-4/
Beats Medical - Metronome app: Just posted... - Cure Parkinson's
Beats Medical - Metronome app

A message comes up that says I need to sign in to see the video. Sign into what?
Strange. Try accessing from the home page parkinsons.me then it's PD&Me page. I'll take a look at that link later. Thanks for the heads up. Ewan
This might be easier youtu.be/48E7tR0jywY
What is the name of the app please?
We see the "after" but not the "before" or did I miss something?
I live in Ireland and heard about Beats Medical on news interview on Irish morning radio. Contacted them and signed up for free months trial on 12 Novemver. They set me up on my IPhone , it also works on any mobile.
The idea is simple - works on you walking to beat which you calibrate each morning , two ten minutes per day and you get reports daily on your steps per minute. For me it's the neuroplacticy that appeals IE mind controlling brain and building new pathways.
It's now February and all I can say that my improvement is huge. Have come from having had to always rely on nearest furniture to hold on to as moving around house to being able to walk around more or less normally. Lots of work still ahead but it works.
It costs around 30 Epirus per month . If you having difficulty getting info try Beats Medical Ireland.
Hope this helps.
Worth giving it a go
We were told about this at my husband's last support group meeting. You can find info on it simply by typing in the words Interactive Metronome.It is supposed to have great success rewiring the brain for balance and cognitive ability with help from speech therapists.