When I was diagnosed with Parkinsons I asked my neurologist what I would "die of."
"Oh," she answered cheerfully, " . . . the usual things. Heart Attack, Cancer. " Later in our conversation she said, " Folks with Parkinsons do not get a pass on all the life threatening and terminal illnesses that other people get."
I didn't believe her. I did some research. In fact, 70% of PwP's die from inspiration pneumonia. Another 10-20% die as a result of complications due to falls. My uncle, with Parkinsons died from pneumonia, my grandfather from a head injury sustained in a fall on the stairs as he exited a restaurant in Cambridge.
So it appears to me that "You'll die from heart attack, cancer or other common maladies" is.... foo foo. At least that's what the statistics (as well as my personal experience) are telling me.
Inspiration pneumonia - pneumonia which results from food getting into the lungs as a result of swallowing the wrong way.
As I'm doing everything possible to extend my life I decided that in addition to rigorous exercise (60 minutes on an exercycle per day, 15 minutes of additional exercise), taking LDN to substantially increase my bodies endorphin production... I would look into this swallowing business, to see if there was a way to address the "swallowing problem" which led me to this video created by Roxann Diez-Gross of the Children's Institute of Pittsburg. (It provides understanding about the "how" of swallowing, and makes me think that some "cognitive understanding" ... and perhaps some exercises or brain training may be one of the most important things I can do to extend my longevity. I should probably add a Speech Pathologist on my support team, right up with my neurologist in importance.
Here is the video: