I am a retired Manager of Market Research and PD Patient. I wish to express my concerns regarding the research structure of the Flashpoll. The questioned asked is "Do you believe there is a role for cannabis and ecstasy in the treatment of PD?" Usual way to assess belief is to measure your agreement with the stated proposition. on a balanced scale....Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neither Agree or Disagree, Somewhat Disagree . Strongly Disagree. The scale used has three positive statements to one negative, where is the balance? Scale used Definitely, Probably, Possibly. Definitely not, Other. Further, the answer one marks is NOT A MEASURE OF ONES BELIEF IN ROLE FOR CANNABIS AND ESTASY. The scale measures a DIFFERENT QUESTION OR PROPOSITON. The scale asked about your response to a different question.......it reads for example "Definitely -- I think the evidence is overwhelming" "Probably -- I think the evidence is strong" "Possibly -- I am not sure of the evidence" (you believe in a role, but are not sure about the evidence?) "Definitely not -- there is no evidence" (you don't believe in a role, because there is no evidence) There could be several reasons for one's lack of belief in a role for cannabis or ecstasy in PD Treatment. That there is "no evidence" is as most PD Patients would know is an untrue statement.
If a poll respondent selected Definitely Not, this negative belief regards the proposition is associated with an untrue statement, suggesting a reason to discount this statement belief as unreasonable. Briefly my concern is that the Flashpoll asks one question and answers another, while using an unbalanced to measure the outcome. Personally, I am disappointed that Parkinson's Movement is associated which such a measurement instrument as this flashpoll.