Also had already been on Azilect when Mirapex was started.
Anyone on Mirapex having trouble with leg... - Cure Parkinson's
Anyone on Mirapex having trouble with leg swelling? Dr. has reduced dosage by 1/2 and said to call back in a week. Advise please

I've been on Mirapex for about 14 years and my legs stay swollen.
I went to a physical therapist who wrapped my legs in an elastic bandage and massaged them. This went on 3xs a week for 3 weeks. The swelling went down and then she gave me support stockings to wear. They do help with the swelling, but they are not very comfortable or attractive. Hope this helps.
My legs were swelling and causing alot of discomfort. I went to the vascular clinic at Duke
and after having an ultra-sound I was told that my veins were not working properly, There is an outpatient proceedure to correct my problem but I must wear the compressive/support stockings for 3 months before insurance will help pay for the proceedure. The stockings(20/30) strength help, at $65.00 per pair, but they are hard to put on and take off I am still taking MIRAPLEX ER tab daily.
I had to switch to Requip bc of swelling
Jenette, I had exactly the same problems with Requip when I was on a dosage of 10 mg daily alongside Sinemet Plus 25 /100 mg x3 daily. I was offered a switch to Mirapex on the grounds it wasn't thought to cause swelling but decided to lower the Requip dosage to see if it helped first. Within 2 weeks of lowering dosage to 8mg, the swelling had gone. I wear a compression ankle support on account of a weak ankle (old injury, probably arthritic) and the swelling had made this even more uncomfortable and very painful. At times, I could hardly walk. My Physio suggested the ankle support. At its height, both my feet and ankles were very swollen and I couldn't get my shoes on. I hope your experience with Requip helps the swelling but be aware that too high a dose may not. I know we are all different and it really is trial and error a lo of the time. Good luck.
Had leg swelling with Mirapex and switched to Requip with some improvement. Eventually went off Requip because it made me so drowsy and swelling improved for a while but lately it's back. Doctor says this time it's just part of PD, a function of inactivity and stiffness. I wear support stockings when it bothers me too much but so far it's not too bad.
Good Morning from FL, yes I had a problem and was given a water pill all is well.
Why was Requip added to Azilect? For me it was a terrible drug all round, and my life improved 200% when I quit and titrated to sinimet. I coulld see using a small dose at night for restless leg syndrome. But klonopin does it for me. Requip: the devil drug! But I'm not a doctor
It was Mirapex that was added to Azilect. I was having a difficulty walking so the Mirapex was added. It helped immediately with the walking and the swelling began after about 4 months. I'm a teacher and on my feet most of the day so the swelling is worse in the afternoon and the later in the week it is, the more trouble I have. Work with 4 yr. olds so I'm up and down quite a bit.
If it's ankle swelling, flight socks put on before you get out of bed might help.
it's the entire leg(s)
Have you been back to the medics to ask for their help and get your blood pressure taken? (Sitting and standing blood pressure) Both the Parkinson's and the dopamine agonist could do this so it's as well to try and sort our which one is causing it. If it's the drugs, a change of agonist of perhaps swapping to a L-Dopa drug might help manage it.
I too used to teach and I can't imagine how anybody who's fit get's through a day with 4 year olds. I preferred to teach 7 year olds and upwards. At least they knew which end of a pencil was which and that hitting somebody really isn't a strategy to be used in negotiation.
Hi everyone,
I had terrible swelling while on Requip, as well as weight gain & compulsive buying. I told my Nero I wanted off. I went on Liquid forosemide (Water med), wore compression hose & ordered a big square, with a slanted front pillow to keep my legs up when I sleep. Amazing! I back to normal,but still use the pillow to sleep with,just for extra measure. I got the pillow From a catolog named Dr. Leanards here in the U.S. I'm sure it can be purchased many places. Hope this helps. Blessings, Loika