I was dignosed with pd Jan 2013. Since th... - Cure Parkinson's
I was dignosed with pd Jan 2013. Since then I have these trance like spells daily, does anyone else have these and what can be done for them

I find myself sitting and staring at nothing all the time, I don't know why or at what. Time goes by pretty fast though.....
yes, i have them too.ask your doctor to perscribe the carbadopa/levadopa that you place under your tongue. It melts in your mouth and almost immediiately that fog-like feeling goes away
I think you might give some thought as to what is going on during theses spells.
Are you able to move as freely as before when you come out of them or do you feel 'stuck' but wanting to move?
Do these spells come on in any particular pattern? Keep a note of when you take your meds and when theses trances happen along with any changes to your other symptoms. Take al you thoughts and notes to a specialist and see what they say.
You don't say if you have any other medical conditions so this might be complicating the picture too. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon.
I too was dx in Jan 2013. I'm on Azilect 1mg and Mirapexin PR. My neuro and I are not keen to start Ldopa yet as I'm 46 yrs old. I too get daily periods of just sitting thinking about all I need to do but not moving. I think it's the apathy that is talked about with PD and or the drugs peaking in the afternoon. Not sure what to do for it either.
I have periods of sitting thinking of all that needs to be done and it's my husband with PD. I'm the one with chronic low level depression (dysthymia). My husband has this inertia and doesn't get a lot done. He gets discouraged and doesn't have the drive he used to have. PD is really a baffling disease but I think staying motivated and persevering and finishing tasks is often hard to do. It's baffling, that's why I like Soup's advice (above) to keep a journal.
It is your medications causing this. try to detox using ETS Zeolite..try RifeDigital.com machine..Pharma drugs will never cure you, yet natural treatmants will. On RifeDigital.com you will find out how the FDA and AMA suppressed natural cures and how they keep decieving the public about this. You could be the victim of a neurological disease due to toxins in your food...avoid toxic sodas processed foods and take control of your own health..if not you will be a slave to the PHarma system. I used natural cures to cure my asthma and thyroid problem, I no longer have these symptoms..I use ETS Zeolite to detox my body and drink distilled water, which also detoxes your body..i also use magnascent iodine, look up the health benefits from these products..and also research the sources so you wont be fooled by pro-pharma criminals. Watch Gary Nulls exposes the FDA a documentary on You tube... take control of your destiny and never give up.
Very Good advice godheals.
I've seen these Gary null videos and they are very insightful.

Godheals this may be the situation in the US. The FDA and the AMA have nothing to do with my country. This site is world wide not just American.
So you continue taking drugs to no avail..wake up drugs are artificial and harm your body. I used to have Thyroid and asthma...I woke up and decided to take natural means to cure myself, if not I would be a zombie walking around for a cure. The human body needs organic substances for health, not inorganic Pharma drugs.
I had this of vacancy of thought at periods when I first started on
The Requip It lasted for about
Two weeks and that was it
Hi beaches,
I was wondering why you were put on drugs right away. I was diagnosed in July of this year and my neurologist thought it best that I deal with the depression and anxiety first before stepping into the PD meds. Thanks.
can you say more and how that worked out for you??
My husband really struggled for the two years after he was diagnosed. After being fit and able and working effectively for years, he had to retire. He lost his self-confidence and had self-doubt about functioning at the level he had before. I thought to have him go on an anti-depressant but haven't done so yet--Although we discuss it with his PCP at every visit. What works for him is being out with people.
I'm on the generic forms of Sinemet, Mirapex and Comtan. I don't have the trance spells you describe but I can no longer drive a car. I almost instantly fall asleep while driving. One day I was crusising along at 80MPH, perfectly awake, then next thing I nes, I was in the center median grass doing 80 and headed for oncoming traffic. Almost got killed that day. Haven't driven since.
That sounds scary both for you and the other drivers. My husband gave up driving after having hallucinations, probably from the benztropine (was taking 2 /takes only one in the evening now). He also takes provigil to prevent sleepiness and he's much more alert and much less 'foggy'. Adequate rest is important, too. Naps, he now takes them....sometimes.
Please don't give up on meds suddenly! If you are going to try the route of putting your faith in natural 'remedies' alone, understand that suddenly taking yourself of prescribed drugs suddenly might cause serious medical problems even if you 'detox'.
This site is comprised of non-medical experts and before you can tell what will work for you, give the medics a chance. Go back and tell the medics what is happening and what you have discovered (it might be) from this site and let them try to help first. However, you do need to do a little detective work on yourself first and try to describe what and when the trances are so that the medics have a good understanding of your case.
M y husband has the and trance is a good description , while in them he is stiff as a board and I cannot move him .
What I've been told thus far is that depression and anxiety typically shows up in PD patients prior to movement disorders appearing. It's part of the disease due to the lack of dopamine. When I was diagnosed with PD, my depression and anxiety worsened. I was put on PD meds that made me feel terrible and helpless. I didn't sleep well and my stomach was a mess.
I went for a second opinion at UCSF Medical center and the neurologist immediatly told me to get off the PD meds and deal with the anxiety. My Psychiatrist put me on Wellbutrin for the depression and Buspirone for the anxiety.
Although the future is uncharted I feel more in control. I'm sleeping through the night and my stomach is back on track.
I have tremors on my left side…which is my dominant hand for writing :-@. My neurologist says we will deal with that in the future but is not too concerned.
Finding the right neurologist has calmed me down considerably.
When your feeling like shit and clueless about this disease, it's hell.
I think it is very important to remember that while we have some things in common regarding symptoms and side-effects of medication, when and to whom these happen is a different matter. Not all will be depressed prior to other symptoms, just like not all people will have tremor.
This thing of 'trance' like state could be a few different things. The first that comes to mind is daytime sleepiness which is both a symptom and a side-effect. Another is apathy, which can be a component of depression, but is not always. Another is bradykinesia or akinesia, which translate as slowness of movement, and lack of movement. There is also 'freezing', which can be very bothersome. Talking to your neuro/PD nurse will help sort out which of these it is.
Something to remember is that how your carer perceives this and how you feel it may not always be the same, so talk to your carer about what is happening, especially if you are one of the people who, like I often do, dries up and finds it hard to explain when I actually see my doctor! PD is a really puzzling condition.......