I really have a high level of pain in my ... - Cure Parkinson's

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I really have a high level of pain in my legs and shoulders. Does anyone else experience the same? What do you do for it?

15 Replies
15 Replies
MsNoir profile image

I also have a lot of arthritis and take Cymbalta for it. It has worked great and I have been able to get off all pain medication because of it.

Ms Noir

Maria29 profile image

I also take Cymbalta, but I still have a lot of pain on certain days. It is more like a searing nerve pain, not a sharp or stabbing pain. My neurologist has suggested I see a rheumatologist. Any one have suggestions?

Yea I know what you are saying about the searing nerve pain. That is a great way to describe it. Not in my joints just the legs and neck through out.

Am grateful I'm not there, yet. My legs do hurt sometimes during the night.

TaniaV profile image

Hi all- I as well suffer from nerve pain.. I was dx with Fibromyalgia when I was dignoised with Parkinson 5yrs... its no bueno cuz your in pain but not sure if its the PD or the Fibro... I am currently on Cymbalta, Lyrica and doctor just prescribed me a new one called Savella so slowly winging myself off the cymbalta ? I have been on zanaflex but i think it ran its course ... I also suffer from extreme muscle craps /spasms(which at this time we don't know what is causing this). Maria I bet the reason he wants you to go to a rheumatologist is to rule out Fibro..

esrob profile image

Have just spent most of the night wondering where to put my legs. Trying not to let the pain get the better of me is difficult at times. I'm 75 and have had Parkinson's for twelve years now. Anyone know where I can get a new pair of legs and a brain transplant??

in reply toesrob

When you find out where, please let me know. :)

MagicMax profile image

Chelated Magnesium reduces pain 80%. Gabapentin usually takes care of the rest. If not, an ice pack works really well and does not cost much. Also, a TENS Unit and/or Sinemet works.

ram927 profile image

Max what is Chelated Magnesium and Gabapentin? where can you get them?

also read that plain mustard teaspoon helps also with legs cramping


PatV profile image

Severe pain in ab and legs. SO far nothing really helps. Keep on truckin!

lmacquinn profile image

I have definately had that! I've been going to phys and occ therapy. The pain is still there, but not nearly as severe. Give it a try and please let me know if it helps.

gazelleuk profile image

Hold up everyone. I know everyone has different attitudes to having Parker's and everyone has other medical issues which may restrict them in different ways.

This is not for everyone but then again, ~I would try anything to become more mobile and because of a positive attitude, I certainly tried. Yes I got frustrated but the fact that I participated and continued I feel I am at least winning the first round to Parker's

Firstly when the body is giving the signals that it is in pain think about the cause. Yes Parker's but what happens when we have Parker's

We forget to stretch our muscles

We forget we are not as mobile

So what we need to do is stop the brain from having pain. If possible take 2 paracetamol and 2 brufen tablets approx 600mg in total strength with water. The brufen must be taken with or after food. You will have to establish if you are allowed to take this anti inflammatory or if you are allergic, so consult your gp or neurologist what you are allowed to take.

Anyway if you get a anti inflammatory and pain killer like paracetamol which is good for skeletal pain. The combination of the pain killers help our brain stop receiving the pain signals. This then allows us a little bit of time to allow our body's to heal. Now we can assist in this healing process by stopping our muscles from cramping, stretching out our joints allowing the muscles to relax for the first time in months.

We forget to use our limbs the same way prior to being diagnosed with Parker's

We are not as mobile therefore we are not circulating our blood as regularly as we used too. The calf muscle is like a 2nd heart to circulate the bodies fluids around the bottom half of our bodies. We don't use the calf muscles very much now or certainly not as actively as we did before the cells started dying off.

Thats why we have to remind our muscles and body in general that we still have the affected side and it's still attached to the unaffected side.

We have to remind the conductor's of the brain that they can be reminded about the affected side again.

Our muscles have memory if we remind them how to work the conductors of the brain may or will be re educated into working again. .It depends on how often you remind the conductor's.

When you have stretched off start swinging both arms when you are walking try this for about 5 minutes. This will help with the muscle tightness in your shoulders and neck.

If you have lower back and leg pains, walk around your house like you were in a jazz band. Bring those knee's up high whilst swinging those arms.

I know some of us have had previous problems and still do have other issues which also accounts for lack of mobility and flexibility. All I am saying is that you stretch off to the best of your ability and mobilise to the best of your ability.

When was the last time you put your hands behind your head like you were sunbathing ? Try it and feel the stretch of your muscles.

If you are lying down. Draw your right knee up to your chest and see if you can try and hug it. Try it with your left leg now having put your right leg down flat. you can feel the tightness and pain ease off with every stretch.

I know only some of us are able to do this, but with practise I promise it gets easier and so does the pain. I was in a wheelchair once, and now I am in high heeled shoes. It is all about positive thinking too. Good luck

fishinggirl profile image

Not always easy to get pain meds from most doctors in maine. Have heard take more tylenol until I'll scream if I hear it again. It's like putting a bandaid on a severed artery, almost useless. I use a lot of ICY Hot on muscles, foot baths, wear diffferent shoes, rest, can't relax much, then get painful muscle spasms in feet and toes. My PD doc said I have Striatal Toe and striatal foot and it hurts! But I keep on moving most of the time. Afraid to stop, may not start again.

gazelleuk profile image

turn and walk backwards it releases the cramp in the toes

jamieann profile image

I have had the neck pain and headache for over a week straight,tried stretching ect..last night i took paper towel and got some Vic's vapor rub on it and put it on the back of my neck and LITTLE bit on my forehead and i actually in time felt better last night,then today i wake up an neck still feels good,but i can tell its gonna come back i feel its on its way.so im going to do it again before it gets me,to see if i found a solution..if you have sensitive skin dont use it,itll cause burning...Good Luck !! :)

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