I had the most amazing experience last week! Just tell me...what are the chances that someone on this blog site would be in my clinic....sitting in front of me...having had consultations with me....going through DBS, with me sitting by their side every step of the way..there when it's all over? I would answer...In your dreams! Well...it happened! One week after surgery while in the clinic..she mentioned this blog site...and then her user name. I was stunned....I had responded to her questions...we knew each other, can you believe it?
It seem's that life has a plan for us! PD isn't the end of the world...rather it's opened up my world. People with Parkinson's are a very special bunch! Truly, a kinder, more compassionate, caring group of people you couldn't find anywhere on the planet .This site creates a wonderful opportunity for us to engage and help each other, and who knows...maybe I will meet some of you in Montreal, or like my now best friend...Salon..here under my very nose!!!