I don't have a tremor but suffer with gait freezing.I'm 70 and have been told I'm too old for DBS. Has anyone on this site had DBS for gait freezing and at what age did you have it?
DBS for gait freezing: I don't have a... - Cure Parkinson's
DBS for gait freezing

My husband suffered from gait freezing and I started giving him Vitamin K last year. He hardly ever freezes now. Worth a try?
Thanks for that superjanet I'll have to try Vitamin K.
I suffer from gait freezing. I've never heard of Vitamin K
I read about some research with fruit flies that had one of the faulty genes that can be involved in Parkinson's and they couldn't fly. After being given Vitamin K they could fly! My husband still can't fly, but he can walk pretty well! You can buy Vitamin K from health food stores or online from Healthspan.
I think taking vitamin K is a problem if you are also taking WARFARIN.
All thosr prescribed Warfarin please check that vitamin k is okay with Warfarin before wasting your money at the pharmacist or health food shop. The patient information leaflet should say if vitamin k is contraindicated.
I was 76 when I had DBS. Upper range of the age limit, for sure. There is a divided opinion about age and DBS. The older we get, though, the more that other complicating factors come into play that may make us ineligible. Try another opinion. The year following DBS was difficult adjusting to the programming and for the first time, I experienced freezing--never before DBS. I don't have that so much now, although I do experience sticky feet when trying to turn sometimes. My issue was uncontrollable tremor and I have nearly no tremor now. It's not a cure and there are tradeoffs. Being able to eat in public, zip my own jacket and tie my own shoes was a big enough gain for me to do it.
Thanks for that Jash. I may look for another opinion.,although I don't have a tremor the sticking is really bad!
Camper...I bought a U Step laser walker specifically for gait problems including freezing or sticking... I freeze at every move it seems but the walker is helping to control that..supposed to retrain the brain... Not s gimmick.. my MDS advised it... You can see how it works on you tube.. good luck to you
Ivyanne. I've been loaned a U-step walker and like you I think its marvellous!.
I think everyone who freezes should have one.
FYI on the U Step...although it is a remarkable device, a word of caution: my husband has severe freezing, and did much better with the U Step, but when he DID fall, the damage to the walker from his 250lb weight was devastating. It's now a very expensive chunk of junk. After several months on basically only the electric wheelchair, 2 weeks with an amazing chiropractor who does tonal adjustments has him back to walking short distances with his rollator. Don't mistake this to mean that his freezing has stopped, but his body control has greatly improved. We are EXCITED!
camper...a rollator is just one brand name for a walker with 4 wheels and a seat...the one you see all the grandmoms and grandpops use...
Thanks Mommajo. A more simple form of the U-step walker. I may get one as I've seen a lot about.I tried a 3-wheeled walker before I got the U-step but found it a bit wobbly as my balance is quite bad. .
Hi all,just to let you know that 70 might be the cut off for most DBS centers, but here at University of Kentucky we do the DBS proceedure on people in their early 80's. Who dictates that just because you are 70 you are too old? Every case is different and once the criteria is met, there is no reason why the outcome shouldn't be good. The difficulty is due, in part to the fact that the older you are, the more frail you have become, and because most DBS surgeons operate on patients while they are awake for stage 2 and have to endure the "drilling", you can understand how nervous and anxious patients become. There is however , another technique which causes less stress to the patient and still has the desired outcome...how would you like to be "asleep for phase 1 and phase 2 of the proceedure? We have been doing it here for some time with good results and to me , there is no argument...I want to be ASLEEP!
DBS, like every other proceedure...needs to be conducted by the "right" team. The best team gets the optimum results, so, whether you suffer from tremors, dystonia, gait and freezing the good news is that DBS can significently improve your life. A word of caution...don't leave it too late to make the decision. It's not a "last resort" and should be investigated sooner rather than later.
Thanks for that information Annh. I wish I lived in Kentucky!
My neuros tell me that gait freezing does not respond to DBS