Is there anyone that finds there symptoms get worse around the time of their period?
Female question : Is there anyone that... - Cure Arthritis Co...
Female question

Sadly, significantly worse. I have found that attention to diet (more vegetarian & no processed foods, no dairy)does help.
Yessssss indeed
Read a very good article on the subject by a well known scientist, Ray Peat. He explained that the worsening of symptoms at this time of cycle has to do with the drop in progesterone and that it tells you that you have estrogen-progesterone imbalance with estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is very inflammatory and worsens the symptoms of pain and iflammation in RA. By supplementing with natural progesterne you can decrease your symptoms. Safe, natural and easy way. Lots of info on the net about this important hormonal balance that so very often is off in AI. Good luck.😊
Mine get Way way worse. Maybe the extra pain? I don't know. But it sucks.
Mine get horribly worse. I can become bedridden for a few days. I of course have two small children and assist my father who has dimentia and atypical Parkinson’s so not moving isn’t an option... which is bad. Because then I hurt fo days and days.
If u can snuggle up and rest, periods suck enough. This is add BS to a painful time anyway. I’ve also noticed that they can be either very heavy or not, and can return after they start and stop, so not sure but it seems to me that having autoimmune issues have played a roll in my monthly visitor.