I have RA, I have been on Methotrexate, and Plaquenil. I just recently began Humira injections. I am supposed to do an injection, but I have a cold. I know we are not supposed to inject if we have any infection, but is ok to do with a cold?
I have RA, I have been on Methotrexate, and Plaquenil. I just recently began Humira injections. I am supposed to do an injection, but I have a cold. I know we are not supposed to inject if we have any infection, but is ok to do with a cold?
No!! If you are sick at all do not do injection. Humira is an immune suppressor. Unfortunately I continued taking shot when I was sick and ended up with strep AND shingles take lots of vitamin c and the supplement kyolic is a good one. Rest and get better!
If your cold is viral not bacterial. It's ok to cont with Humira. Please see MD and make sure. I just had a terrific cold with cough. It's was a virus and was scared to take shot. I was reassured and did fine after with no effects. Make sure you get seen
Please, we are not DRs. It's not a good idea to take Humira or any other Biologic while sick. You can actually become worse. Case in point. Glen Frye passed away this year from complications with RA. He was taking Remicade, which is a biologic in Infusion form. I became gravely ill from Humira Humor and experienced a neurological event that scared the crap out of me. Please advise our FRamily RA Spoonies to seek medical advice if doubt. Humira has a dedicated team of nurses to assist in any health related questions
Hugs and loves
I have a Himira nurse advocate I talk with on things like that. You should have one, too. Common side affect of Humira is sinus infections, I was told. I've been battling that for over a month. I'm just now starting to feel better. I'm almost afraid to start it up again.
No, it's not safe to take an imunesuppressant drug while sick. A simple cold can turn deadly. I would wait until your over the cold. If doubt, always contact your Rheumatologist
Hugs and loves and feel better
Call your MD make sure it viral. High fever green discharge any signs of infection. Sinus infection. Always check first. I had a terrible sore throat coughing and headache. Call PCP it was viral went ahead with injection. Good luck and God blesd
Thank you all for taking the time to send me a note. Your advice is very much appreciated.