Hi just a question I have had RA a little over one year.And high blood pressure over four years. What is a good for the common cold or flu? I would seldom catch a cold before RA.
RA and dealing with colds and flu - Cure Arthritis Co...
RA and dealing with colds and flu

I had a cold at my early stage of RA. I went to see my GP and I was prescribed antibiotic. I was okay after a few days with the antibiotic. However, I was in greater pain when I had my antibiotic though.
I have the same problem. Have had RA for two years and rarely had colds/flu/congestion before that. I usually have a lot of congestion. I have tried several cold and flu products. Anything that says it relieves congestion works fine for me. Generics work as well as name brands. Hope this helps.
The medication we are put on for RA lowers our immune system. I don't know what Meds you are on, but any biologic or med like methotrexate, which is a chemo drug, lowers your white blood cell count, which is how your body fights off infections.
If you are sick, you need to quit your Meds & see your doctor & get on an antibiotic to let your body fight off what you've got. Otherwise it could turn into something a lot worse, which could end you up in the hospital.
Take care, & I hope you have a general doctor that works with you & your RA doctor on these things.
vitamin C is still a good preventative. I know what you mean about getting colds easier. I had a pneumonia shot and a pertussis shot. They both have helped me a lot. The flu shot has helped as well. When October comes around each year I start taking 1 NAC 600mg capsule with food.
It helps keep mucus thin.
Colds and flu are caused by a virus, and these do not respond to antibiotics. Over the counter Drugs such as paracetamol will help reduce a raised temperature and ease symptoms. If you go on to develop an infection like a chest infection or sinusitis then antibiotics will help clear this. You do not say if you have been prescribed drugs such as methotrexate for your RA. If you develop an infection then you need to consult a Dr. but no need to for a basic cold. Vitamin C as already said is a good preventative.