I have just been diagnosed with collagenous colitis and have a telephone appointment next week. From my research budenoside is a recommended treatment but my GP said it’s usually loperamide which is the same as Imodium. I’ve been using Imodium but as soon as it wears off the diarrhoea returns. Anyone here got experience of initial treatment of microscopic colitis?
Loperamide or Budenoside: I have just... - Crohn's and Colit...
Loperamide or Budenoside

Hi there
Sorry that you have been diagnosed. It is a frustrating disease. Imodium is suggested as treatment for mild symptoms. It never did anything for me when flaring. Assuming that you have been diagnosed with CC through a colonoscopy, gastroenterologists seem to try mesalazine first. It didn’t work for me and some others on here. Budesonide does work but it has to be controlled as still a steroid and care must be taken.
Let us know what your consultant prescribes.
I stopped, with the consultant's agreement, Mesalazine/Pentasa because it was causing squidy motions, which in turn, made them more urgent or easier to control. I am on Methotrexate anyway for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and this is also a treatment for Chron's. I use Loperamide, but it doesn't really help me when I'm having a flare, but it gives me confidence when I'm not going to be near a loo, at other times...eg travelling. I'm on Budesonide as well, currently tapering down, which is helping me with both the Chron's and Rehumatod, and considering staying on it permanently, but I'm not sure about the implications regarding my Osteopenia...and bone thinning. Hepzi, do you have any thoughts regarding the bone issue? 🙂
Hi. Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with Collagenous Collitis. As soon as I had the diagnosis I googled it to see exactly what I was dealing with.
I think it depends on how bad you’re symptoms are as to whether or not immodium will help. Unfortunately it didn’t help me.
If you’ve had a colonoscopy then you may be prescribed budesonide next week if your consultant believes your symptoms are strong enough and depending what they found at the colonoscopy.
Sorry it’s not much advice for you between now and then but you will get help.
Budesonide has worked for me, it was a very fast relief from symptoms once I started taking it
Although I do not have collagenous colitis, (I have patchy pancolitis) I have taken an 8 week course of budesonide which did help. Plus I was given Octasa (which is one of the mesalazines) too as steroids can only be taken for 8 weeks at a time apparently - particularly when in a flare. As others have said, it depends on how well you can control your D as you may need something stronger than Imodium. Mesalazline generally has no side effects and Budesonide much less side effects than Prednisolone as it works by directly targeting the gut. You may well find that you do not need stronger meds yet, but only you know your body so good luck with the consultation next week and I hope that you get the meds you need to help if need be.
Thank you for your helpful comments. I feel better informed on treatment options now and will be able to discuss when I have my appointment.
Hello everyone. I had my telephone consultation and have diverticuli as well as collagenous colitis. Prescribed a 3 month course of budenoside and a low fibre diet. I had a blood test for coeliac at the GP and get results next week. Does 3 months seem a lot? Other people on here have had 8 weeks. How long does it take to work? Can I use loperamide too if I’m going out? I realise I should have asked all this at the time but didn’t think! There’s no call back nurse so I need to ask the GP but I reckon people here are probably even better informed.
Sorry Xzbv to read you've now got divrrticuli as well as collagenous colitis. A lot to take in. I have U.C and have just had my Budesonide tablets changed to a foam for better relief. Which have you been given?. Ive been on them years without problems.
It does work quite quickly i found . Also i did ask my gastro about lopermide at my last appt recently and he said they don't recommend it for colitis patients.
Hope thats helpful and good luck for your blood results. Xx
Thanks Misty 14, I have the tablets. I take 3 a day for 8 weeks then 2 a day for 2 weeks then 1 a day for 2 weeks- plus lansoprazole as a stomach protector. The doctor thought it was the best treatment although she said it was up to me and I could take loperamide if I preferred. I know loperamide keeps the diarrhoea at bay when I’m going out but Budesonide is supposed to act on the inflammation which is causing the diarrhoea. My only worry is side effects like hair thinning and (horrors) facial hair!
I have just been diagnosed with Collagenous Colitis and have been prescribed Cholestagel - 6 tablets a day. On them now for a week and are leaving me with a really bad pain in back and bad constipation. Not happy with this medication.