Any help with how best to use Stamina, Speed a... - Couch to 5K

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Any help with how best to use Stamina, Speed and Stepping Stone podcasts? Over 3 training days per week?

6 Replies
6 Replies
swanscot profile image

Since completing the C25K, I've been using Speed and Stamina podcast most weeks. I only used Stepping Stones once as I felt it didn't push me.

My weekly schedule is:

- One Intervals training session: I use the Speed podcast, which is pretty short, but tough; if you feel up to it you can always jog for a wee while before or after the podcast. Occasionally I do a hill-running session instead of the Speed podcast; as you know we can't run very far around here without having to tackle one hill or other! As both hill- and intervals-training are tough, it's advised you don't do more than one a week.

- One Tempo run session: I use the Stamina podcast for this as it gives me the correct running pace for me. I used this race calculator - - to give me the pace to run, which coincided with what I achieve using Stamina. In the past couple of weeks, I kept on running at a similar pace for wee ways after the end of the Stamina podcast, up to 45 - 50 minutes.

- One Long, slow, distance run - again I used the pace calculator to advice me what speed I should run on the lsd run, but basically it should be run at 'conversational pace'. The lsd run helps you build up your endurance and you can increase the length of this run by about 10% each week. I use my own music for this run, just using some cheesy rock/pop songs as background - occasionally bursting into song, or breaking into a dance as I run! Or I run with no music - only the sounds of nature.

Spot on and perfect. Thank you for the detailed answer, I can really get my teeth into this schedule. I have already transferred indoors onto a treadmill as the cold air and my asthma didn't get on so well. I must say treadmill running is ultimately boring

Oops, meant to say that treadmill running is ultimately boring when you are used to the stimulation of running outdoors. Roll on summer time!

Nevertoolate profile image

I agree with swanscot and that's the same programme for me. I'm trying to aim for 10kms. I do one speed session, one stamina and then a "long" run which for me means gradually increasing distance every week until I hopefully reach the magic 10.

I also found Steeping Stones too slow for my pace/stride and I think it basically doubles up with stamina but at a slower pace. You can pick which one suits you best.

Since I strated doing this (only a couple of weeks admittedly) I've found my pace has increased so I'm covering more ground in the long run in a shorter time.

in reply to Nevertoolate

thank you - good to get word of mouth recommendations.

Rollertoaster profile image

Yep, this is my schedule too :) I like the variety of it and works well as a training plan for me!

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