Once upon a time, when I was a young lad (sadly a long time ago) I was a regular runner. Due to the fact that I was somewhat fast and inherently lazy I preferred sprinting. As did most of my peers in the 80's, I usually ran barefoot. At 17 I went to college, discovered women and drink (both in moderation mind) and gave up running at 19.
I am now 40, overweight (temporarily) and hadnt done any serious training in over 20 years. I discovered C25K by accident and said what the heck I'll give it a lash.
I surprised myself by completeing all runs up to W6R2 on schedule..yes the plan does work. I found the last run very tough and although my breathing was fine my legs felt like lead. I set out a 9pm this evening to face W6R3, 25 full minutes of running..scary. On account of having dodgy knees, I have been doing all my runs around the local football pitch. This had reminded me of my early running days, and tonight, for old times sake, I took off my trainers and socks and set off barefoot. It was fantastic, I could not believe how much I enjoyed the run and I finished it without trouble, even stretching out the pace for the last 200 metres. 3.7km in 25 minutes, I am sooo chuffed.
No expensive trainers for me, its barefoot all the way from here (although I really hope nobody sees me)