Welcome to the second week of February, and welcome to the cosy Corner, on this foggy, cold day. I am a little late !
The fire is glowing gently, the snacks, and drinks, warm and waiting. Grab your cushion and sit a while... Time now to just breathe and to rest.
What have I been thinking about this week?
Well, apart from a couple of sunny, but bitterly cold days, the weather has continued to do the very best it could, to stop me getting outside! So, I am using the Corner this morning, just to sit back and reflect... one of my famous three Rs!
I know, also that you all have had an eventful week, weather wise or finding some niggles and twinges creeping into your running. But, as ever, despite all the setbacks, stumbling blocks, pitfalls and whatever else life threw at you, you got out there and you ran; or walked; or exercised in some way.
Well done, all of you !
If you simply could not get out there, did you moan, complain , give up for ever? No, you eased off, you accepted that the runs would wait. They would still be there when you were ready, and you did, what you were able to.
I try very, very hard, to hold on to that thought ! But, latterly, I have had a really hectic time and sometimes am inclined to get a tad overwhelmed by life issues...I do, sometimes too, lose sight of the positives that have been there.
At the beginning of the year, we usually have a lot of new runners beginning, and we notice, at this time also, some posts beginning to creep in on the forums, where folk are feeling a tad despondent about their running. The weather is so, so uncertain, the early mornings are still dark and the days, still short, all contributing to hindering our running plans.
Many of us may be feeling less than our best; coping with illness ourselves or within the family. Time spent on the Injury Couch can be a very lonely place, and I know that for me, the support and friendship from the forum family is simply amazing, and is what keeps me going!
I have, in this last week, hit a stumbling block and am trying to handle the thought, that for me, this is a time where, I am going to have to ease back on my already infrequent, running plans!
Sometimes, we simply have no choice, but to sit back and relax.
This all sounds hugely negative so far, but not so, I am already beginning to think and plan how I am going to get over the weeks ahead!
How do we handle the time we are, sometimes through injury , illness or simply issues in life, unable to run ?
Stay positive Ha!
Much easier to say, than to do! We are runners. We are strong and determined... Yes, right!
First off: Important too!
Set a new goal in the running plan.
For me, currently, that goal is... to recover. I have a sort of time frame for that. And hopefully, by the end of that time frame, I am going to be seeing, ( with my GP, supporting me of course), some really good results!
As we are always saying, if it is a physical injury or a mental upset, that is putting you on the injury couch, get expert support and guidance. It may be your GP, or a Sports Physio', but don't try to handle things alone.
If we need help...let us go for it! Just appearing on here and reading posts can be a support in itself !
I am going to be, also, looking at ways that I can safely maintain my physical well being, ( my mental well being too ), that are not running. I shall run, just not as far and not as often.( Another goal).
I will be posting some of those ideas, on other posts here, in the hope that they will be helpful to other folk who find themselves on the IC Couch.
But enough from me... what about you awesome folk... have you got any strategies or tips for us to share... what do you focus on if you are on the IC?
It does depend of course on what ails you, but I feel we would all be interested in knowing!
On we go...
Moving through a new month, with new thoughts, new goals, new strength... together.
Oldfloss x