Bye-bye intervals πŸ‘‹πŸΌ, back to the longer run... - Couch to 5K

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Bye-bye intervals πŸ‘‹πŸΌ, back to the longer runs again 😊 and a personal thank you to our wonderful NHS πŸŒˆπŸ’–

β€’25 Replies

It's been a bit of a crazy time in our house since my last post and I have lost track of which day it is several times. Returning to normality this morning though.

The cause of all this upheaval? Our teenage son with appendicitis and an urgent dash to the hospital.

As instructed by our doctor, my husband took him straight to the children's ward at the local hospital, enabling them to by-pass A&E. He was then fortunately able to stay with our son for two nights whilst he had the operation, which was a great relief to us all. They came home yesterday. Brilliantly coordinated care from our wonderful NHS πŸŒˆπŸ’– - I am so grateful to them ❀️.

All is returning to normal this morning, not least because my son has eaten a huge breakfast, his appetite now returning and he is teasing me and being cheeky. I love it.

Leaving my son tucking into his breakfast, I set off on my run feeling very thankful and relieved. This was my first straight run since injury. The interval runs have served me well, but it is lovely to clock up a consecutive 25 minutes of running again. The lovely wooden hearts covered in motivational messages, that I have mentioned in previous posts, hang in abundance now from the trees along my woodland route. The ones written with messages about the NHS felt very pertinent this morning.

Keep safe everyone. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ³πŸŒˆπŸ’–

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25 Replies
Shar71 profile image

What a horrible time u have had delly-dot! Im so pleased that your son is back home safe and sound with u and on the mend. 🌈Well done nhs on doing such an incredible job πŸ‘ were would we be without them.

Well done on ur run this morning too, bet it felt good getting back to full run without intervals again πŸ’ͺ😊

in reply to Shar71

Hi Shar. Thanks for your kind wishes x

Running without intervals was great this morning. I need to repeat this run before I step up again. You must be coming up to or on week 8? I could be running a week 8 run alongside you next week 😊

Shar71 profile image
Shar71Graduate in reply to

Hey ur welcome and yes i should of started this weekend but decided to have a break as we have made the most of the bank holiday and celebrated, so will start wwwk 8 tomorrow x

Fabat50 profile image

So pleased to hear all worked out well for you. A scary time but sounds like you had the best treatment from some great people. Great that your son is being cheeky again - its when you know they are well!

And back on track with your running too. A good day all round ❀️

in reply to Fabat50

Thank you x.

My son is now working his way through the kitchen cupboards and, at my insistence and with less enthusiasm, the fruit bowl too. He's making us laugh as he's walking very gingerly, conscious of his stitches, and he reminds me of Mrs Overall from Acorn Antiques!! Only those of us at a certain age would get that reference.

Hello Dolly-dot, so pleased to hear your son is recovering well and that your family have had such excellent care from the NHS.

What a relief it must be to have them both home. No wonder you had a spring in your step on your run today. πŸ€—πŸŒˆπŸ’•

in reply to

Thank you Mrs Jorge x

Runjilly profile image

Wow, see what you mean about 'normal' now. How amazingly organised your hospital were, glad all went well. Great for you to be able to do full run again, well done Delly πŸ˜€

in reply to Runjilly

Thank you Runjilly. Our doctor was great and it was she that coordinated everything with the hospital. Just brilliant 🌈❀️

Allbarron profile image

Oh my goodness Delly-dot!!! You have been through the mill. I can't imagine how your family must have felt. But you are all safely out the other side and have your son home🏑

Take pleasure in all you see in nature and be thankful. What strength we have as a team and how lucky we are to have our fabulous NHSπŸŒˆβ˜€οΈπŸ’

in reply to Allbarron

Absolutely right Allbarron. 🌈😊

Fionamags profile image

That must have been a drama you could do without - but thankfully a happy ending. Good to see you getting back to the longer runs too. You'll be back to post-graduation again in no time!

in reply to Fionamags

Thank you Fionamags. It was a bit of a drama and very strange (and eerily quiet) to not have either my husband and son in the house for three days when we have all been here 24/7 for the past few weeks! They are making up for it now though by binge watching rugby documentaries on the tv πŸ™„ whilst my son reclines on the sofa!!

Being back to the longer runs was a treat this morning. I've really missed it.

AFoodEnthusiast profile image

I’m so glad to hear that he’s all better now!! And great work with the first 25 minute run. I’ve just done mine too!

Stay safe ! πŸ’•

in reply to AFoodEnthusiast

Thank you and well done on your run too. Only a few more weeks to go until that final graduation run.

Timotea profile image

Yikes! Poor you. Remember when both my sons had exploding appendixes. The feeling of utter helplessness was terrifying. So glad all is well and that the running is back on track.

in reply to Timotea

Oh, I'm so glad we didn't get to the exploding stage, it sounds awful and this was bad enough!!

I loved my long run this morning and am looking forward to slowly building back up to post graduation level. Steady and slow is the way to go..... 😊🐌

Roxdog profile image

Oh dear - what a crazy time! So glad your son is recovering well. He will bounce back I'm sure. Also well done for running! You'll soon be back where you were a few weeks ago and put running for longer. Take care.

in reply to Roxdog

Thank you Roxdog. Everything seems to have settled down again so quickly it seems strange to think it was a crazy time just a few days ago. I'm really looking forward to building on today's longer run and slowly increasing my distance - steady and slow, but it is serving me well for the time being.

Jennypenny2 profile image

Glad your son is ok no, you can relax and enjoy your run now.

in reply to Jennypenny2

Thank you Jennypenny. Nice to hear from you 😌

Speedy60 profile image

Lovely to hear from you, and lovely to read some good news after the bad. 😘🌈

in reply to Speedy60

Thank you Speedy. All settling down again here. Good to hear from you too xx

FreedomToRun profile image

So pleased all is ok and the teasing sounds like a good recovery πŸ˜„. Plus you are back running! Isn’t our NHS amazing 🌈🌈🌈

in reply to FreedomToRun

Thank you for your kind words. ☺️

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