1st run of week 2 done! It was tough!
2wr1: 1st run of week 2 done! It was tough! - Couch to 5K
6 Replies
Great job... you were tougher! Enjoy run 2
You did it though - well done! Next one will be easier...
Tough but you still did it well done 😊😊
Well done!
Well done on getting to the end of the run. The runs can feel tough as you go through the programme but they are getting tougher and you are getting fitter and better able to cope with them.
I remember those early weeks being a real challenge (I'm at the same point in my weight training journey now and I hate it!), but the goal is just to get to the end of them.
All the best for the rest of week 2!
I remember being the same after only doing week 1 but I’ve recently come back after a long break and been able to jump straight into week 3. You’ll be fine, just keep going!