To my fellow Canadian running friends. It is snowing outside my window in Calgary. It has begun. SaskAlliecat Decker Lavender1962
Snow: To my fellow Canadian running friends. It... - Couch to 5K
Already! Is it just in the air or accumulating? Did you go to the Calgary parkrun anniversary?
Just in the air fortunately. I did do the anniversary. Coincidentally it was my 50th run, so I was very happy. When is your anniversary? How close to the magic 50 are you?
Congratulations on your 50th run! Red t-shirt time. I’m at 25 runs with almost double that for volunteering. We had our 1st anniversary in June. Did you dress up?
I was planning on dressing up but life got in the way. There were a lot of great costumes. It was COLD though. 25 runs is great. I'm still waiting for my volunteer shirt to arrive, but the email says it's on it's way. I'll be fully decked out between both the milestone shirts and the apricot one. How did I get so engrossed in this that it's making up so much of my wardrobe?
I'm currently on holiday in the sunny Okanagan, and tomorrow we are driving through to Vancouver (which promises to be wet,wet,wet). However, rumour has it there will be snow on the highway in the morning!
Oooh. Lucky you! Did you do the Okanagan parkrun/are you doing the Richmond parkrun? Are you from this side of the pond?
Wow - you know your Canadian Parkruns! I did the Penticton parkrun on Saturday - it's new since I was here last year, and nearer to us than Kelowna. Unfortunately i'll be staying in Abbotsford rather than Vancouver itself, so the Richmond run is a bit far really (I'm reliant on others for transport).
Last Saturday was actually my first ever parkrun. I am indeed from the UK, so hope to try out my two local ones when I get back home now I've done my first
Oh that's fantastic. A new hobby to take home. Do you come out to Canada often? If you come to Calgary sometime drop a line and I'll drag you out to our Nosehill Parkrun, hills and all I ran Richmond earlier this year, and would love to try the ones in the interior.
Nooooooooooo 😢......I’m not ready for winter 😭. I want to enjoy some fall running first. Fortunately our forecast is only rain, rain, and more rain so far. Better than flurries but not great for my trail race this weekend. Those deer trails get very slippery when wet 😬
Did I even have one 'fall' run? The trees are just starting to change now Sorry to hear you've got rain. In some ways that is worse. At least snow is solid.
What happened to Autumn over there? ❄️ 😬Our leaves are still green (for now). Congratulations on your 50th park run. Do you get a t-shirt or is that at 100?
I just got back from visiting your country, it's now 03.46 and I'm awake - jet lag! It was a lovely holiday in a great country. Everyone is so friendly. I did several runs in Victoria plus the Parkrun, which was fun. Was given homemade banana cake at the end. Lovely treat! Enjoyed several runs on Hornby Island, and a short run on the sea wall in Stanley Park.
It was very smoky when we arrived, but lovely and clear by the end of the trip. Needless to say it was raining in Vancouver. But I guess the area really needs the rain. And you have snow already in your neck of the planet, that is quite something. Do you run out in the snow or do you have to retreat into the gym? I guess if you're doing Parkruns it has to be outside. We don't get much of the stuff in my part of planet earth...just rain and lots of wind off the channel.
Enjoy your running ❄️❄️❄️🙂
We run in the snow. Otherwise it would be over half a year of no running. Glad you enjoyed the coast, Vancouver Island is a very special place, I love it there. Never been to Hornby, but I can only imagine it's even better. Happy running, and if you ever make it back and go through Calgary, drop a line.