The I'm still here quest week 5 - Feel free to... - Couch to 5K

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The I'm still here quest week 5 - Feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
17 Replies

Welcome to Week 5

(17 August - 27 September)

Week 5

I had a total rest day yesterday after working for an 18 hour shift behind a very busy bar for a large all day party. I had done my 10km the day before and was shattered. I watched the GNR which was such fun, I was amazed at the elite times, who can run that fast! We'll definitely not me. The I was channel hopping until I came across this lovely little film called fast girls and settled down to watch that. A great film about the GB relay woman's team. A few years ago neither of the programs would of held much interest for me but I really enjoyed it.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.





























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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17 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

10km for me last week. One of my broken up training routes which I am really enjoying. 5km run/walk/ 1km solid / speed walk and finish with a big hill. Also I am thinking of making the decision to do a long run every other week. I would like to build up to 14/17km slowly and then keep that distance once every month. I think I would like to eventually be HM ready for 2runs a year. I am thinking hackney in May and race for life HM in October next year, so slow and steady training. The good thing with race for life is you get free entrance into a10km as well.,

Not much training this week I am spending precious time with my Dad.

Happy running.

andrewhagger profile image


Had a bit of a disaster, looks like I've got a touch of ITBS - I don't think it will take too long to recover, and reading about it (a lot!) I'm taking measures to prevent it happening again.

So at present, I've not run for 8 days as I'm waiting for 2 days without a twinge from the knee, and I'm doing 5 sets of stretching exercises to try and make sure I can make a full recovery.

I'm not even trying to complete the HM any more, I just want to aim for a comfortable 20-30 minutes and rebuild from there.

I've not been injured before in the 2 years since graduation, so I can now fully sympathise with IC sufferers. I'm very frustrated, but quite scared of trying to come back too early and making it a permanent problem. The way I'm reading this is that - if I keep up the stretching and build a bit more hip strength - I can build the distance and speed back over time, which is way way better than not being able to run properly again.

Incidentally, I didn't go crazy with an increase in distance, it seemed to be more a combination of mid-distance + higher pace which triggered the problem...

All the best to everyone else


Irishprincess profile image

That's great news about the 10K RFC. You're back! So pleased for you.

I haven't updated this for a few weeks as I've been away but I have been running 3 times a week and managed 12K on one run so I'm well chuffed with that.

I'm literally at the airport at the minute on my way to Portugal and the first thing I packed was my running stuff! Will definitely get my runs in as there are three of us runners in our group of friends and we've all agreed to get up early to run! But slowly methinks in the heat.

Have a great running week fellow questers and a pain free week for those on the IC.

dawncoates34 profile image

Managed HM yesterday woo and straight back with some Pilates today to be nice to my sore muscles 😀 will be starting a plan for the 10k mo run in November xx so def gonna be running 3 times per week again prob start thurs as have a bit of a big blister on my foot 😕 x good luck guys and happy running x

GoogleMe profile image

I almost feel as though I am *not* 'Still here' - no runs, no swims, no nothing except for grappling with my son's tribunal case.... *except* that I am still being 'here' for myself as I have practised meditations and relaxations, so that part of the Quest is going well!

I couldn't even get myself to the GP when I would otherwise have done with the result that I now have a kidney infection to recover from.

I do have my running underpinnings on today - hope springs eternal! And they'll do for a spot of restorative yoga if I can't manage a run but can manage that.

Coddfish profile image

Unusually for me, I managed 3 runs this week rather than 2, trying to get 2 shorter but faster runs in. Longest run was 5k. Also did my usual set of swims, classes and non running workouts.

dagshar profile image

Interesting week. Highest mileage so far, but told myself off twice. Last Monday I did a tough fitness class at work, cycled home and then went nearly straight out again afterwards to run 7k. Won't be doing all that in one day again. Fitness class is great cross training, so this needs to remain a non running day! Wed afternoon I did the speed podcast and as it was only 2.5k I decided to run to work the next morning as easy run. As I am not that good at easy, I think it wasn't a great idea to do it 15 hours after the podcast in a week that started off over the top. Rest on Friday and Saturday, then 12k long run yesterday afternoon. Legs were very tired and achy last night and first thing this morning, but fitness class helped loosening things up a bit - lots of squats and stretches as well as cardio today. Determined to take it easy this week and be sensible. Easy 30mins tomorrow afternoon and maybe one run to work as tempo run before next long one at the weekend.

AncientMum profile image

Its 3runs a week for me too at the moment as I work my way up to graduation no2. Loving every step x

dottiemay profile image

I'm out I'm afraid. Seems I have a problem with my foot which will need rest for a while. Drat and Blast.

Carolecal profile image

Two runs for me this week,3.8K and 5K.

The 5K included a bit of walking in the middle when I bumped into a chatty neighbour....normally I'd wave and pass by, but to be honest I felt ready for a break that morning .

I'm dipping out of this quest a week early as this weekend is our Big Move...

France to UK " Please Miss Rfc,may I be excused ?" 😊

My longest run is 5K if that will still count as I won't complete the quest .

Hoping to join in on the next one .

Commiserations to those on the IC and happy running everyone else x

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Good luck with the move. My blood still runs cold when I see a removal van and we moved 70 miles 6 years ago.

Don't let your run stuff get packed too deeply though - it might prove great therapy at some point!

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to GoogleMe

Yes...I've got to the point today where all my planning feels like it's gone to pot and I'm aimlessly wandering from room to room picking things up and basically just moving them from a to b 😖

Funnily enough I do know where my running stuff is and I left my spare pair of running shoes over at my Mum's in the spring ,so at the first chance I'll hopefully be heading off along the breezy prom !

Thanks for your good wishes x

Curlygurly2 profile image

I'm not sure if I commented last week, I did 11K, my longest run to date, which included a PB for 10K of 1 hour 19. Yesterday I did the Stamina podcast and knocked a few more seconds off - 35.29 for 5K, very happy with that. PBs coming thick and fast now! It's much cooler here now, not sure what's next probably a long run...

folkieboater profile image

As expected, just the one run for me last week, but did manage to make it a 10k.

Walked 17981, 16019 and 18554 steps on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at work, so not idle!

Well done everyone 😀

poppypug profile image

Im in thanks RFC :-)

Have been having a rest as I have been really tired . Back to running tomorrow night, cant do parkrun on Saturday but going to get out Sunday and Tuesday next week.

Good Luck to all fellow Questers and sending healing vibes to all on the IC. Another day closer to recovery xxx

Fitfor60 profile image

Had a great week. GNR On Sun. Because it was so hot decided right at start to slow pace and best thing I could have done . Felt amazing. This week can't stop eating Decided to eat anything I want - had fudge donut for breakfast one day ! - but come Monday hopefully to get back on healthy eating. Ran / walked very slow mile yesterday and meeting up with other c25kers on Sunday for run. Don't think I'll manage the whole run with them but can always wait in cafe for them .

Net68 profile image

Can't believe I forgot to post last week! I had a really good week of running too! I actually manged four runs this week!

The first one Tuesday 5km not to bad

NO daughter wanted to run on Wednesday so 6km

Friday was a little 3km before our HM on Sunday 21.1km! Totally over 31k in one week! All covered with a mixture of running/walking with increasing distances of running. Happy questing everyone 👟😺

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