There seems to be a (possibly unwritten) target of running 5k in 30 minutes at the end of week 9. What times are people actually achieving for 5k on graduation? And for those who got there early which week of the program did you hit 5k in 30 minutes or less?
What was your 5k time on graduating? - Couch to 5K
What was your 5k time on graduating?

Chris I didnt really track my distance....i only focused on my time....However I can tell you this....i started in November and when I graduated I probably jogged a good 2 miles maybe.

I've still not hit the magical 30 minutes for 5K despite graduating in October. When I graduated I was taking almost 40 minutes to do 5K and am now hovering around 32/33 minutes. My husband on the other hand regularly runs sub 30 minutes 5Ks and has been doing so since week 8. Everyone is different. In one of the later podcasts Laura does say that the idea is to get you running for 30 minutes, the 5K is a bit misleading. So many people get hung up on running 5K in the 30 minutes and many people do, but many people don't either.

Your age and sex affects your possible time for 5K as well as your general fitness. Try checking what your age-graded score says about your time. If its over 50 per cent for your age and sex then I think it's fine. There is a link to find the age-graded score for 5K.
Thank you for that - it's cheered me up! Apparently, at 64, my 40 minutes Race for Life equates to 28.8 minutes - hooray!
Age & sex eh? I can't do much about my age but I wonder if Mrs ChrisL would like to help me to a PB today? It is Valentines Day after all....
I just checked for a 55 yr old female (like me) and although my 36 mins came just above 50%, the adjusted time was 29.5 mins - so I guess its physically possible and I need to keep on trying (not today though - w. cornwall is a bit breezy.....)

I graduated last Spring and I have still never hit 5k in 30 minutes. The best I did was a Race for Life last year at 34 mins. I'm still working towards it but not sure that I will ever get there

I graduated in August and have yet to even get close to 30 min 5k - I run at 11-12 minute miles so manage about 35-37 minute 5k - I try not to get hung up on my time - but I am surrounded by faster runners in my family and friends so it bugs me sometimes - I can run a 10 minute mile from time to time - but only the one!! I console myself that 11-12 minutes miles is 11-12 minutes faster then sitting on the couch - I'm currently in training for an event and running seven miles - ii would never have thought that possible 10 months ago so that keeps my spirits up

Don't worry about the distance. The fact that you're out there running for 30 minutes is brilliant! It took me 40 minutes to do the Race for Life in the summer but it was on one of the hottest days of the year so I had to walk a couple of times when others were walking around me. Normally I don't walk at all during the 30 minutes so I probably take about 35 minutes to do 5k. I don't measure any more.

I graduated in September and stiil have to better one of my November runs when I got to 34 minutes. I think age and sex does have an impact (I am 56 and a woman). My last run was 6k and I did it in 42 minutes, wasn't pushing myself too much though as I want to increase my distance this month. My son, who only runs every now and again and has never done couch to 5k can pretty easily do it in 24 minutes. My male neighbour who is about the same age as me, started running a couple of years ago, runs Mon to Friday, and does his 5k every morning - in 20 minutes! So yes, we are all different. I think it also depends how determined you are to go for speed.

At the end of week 9 I was running 5K in just under 30mins. Now I run 5K in 26 mins

Pass, I know i was doing it in less than 30 mins thou. I graduated just after Christmas and have kept up the running doing at least 5k three times a week. Looking at my Garmin its telling me my fastest 5k has been 25mins 42 secs, which is pritty much my average for a 5k too.

40 mins with the wind behind me
And very proud of it ...would have taken me a week a year ago!!

I graduated at 25 minutes.
Just like size in other aspects of life, time doesn't matter. What does matter is that you are out there doing it.
Everybody is different & the main thing is just to enjoy I think , I could do 5k in about 36 mins & got down to 33.59 just before my injury I'm 56 in April & I was happy with that . Good luck with your runs & just enjoy

Still haven't! But very interested to see the linked age table which makes me feel a lot prouder"

I used to run loads - up to half marathons - and I never managed a 30 minute 5K! I always say I am built for distance, not speed. Now I am 54 yrs old I don't suppose that will change but I can't say I am really bothered. I am taking it easy so I don't get a recurrence of the injury that made me stop running before but if I feel like it I may use Laura's interval podcast after I graduate to see if it improves my speed.

At graduation 5km was 34mins and did it in 29 mins about 8 weeks later - but only once! Now not bothered and concentrating on distance- it was a bit of ticking that box really

I managed a 5k in 32 mins on graduating, it took me two months to get that down to 30. That was June last year, and yesterday I finally got my 5k down to 27 mins... V v v happy. I'm on 58% as a 43 year old, sex would help I'm sure! .. Thanks for the link turnturtle..

Just under the 30 once in graduation week, just over on graduation. I got faster with training (sub 26 at one point which I doubt I'll ever do again) and then slower again after a couple of injuries, over 30 for a long time and just under most of the time again. Quite happy just to be as I am right now.

mine was 27 30 i dnt go for all those charts and age thing practice makes perfect the more you do the better it will get i just got mine down to 23,24 mins if i get to 20 mins that will do