Back again with yet another episode of I always think of the worst case scenario first. Had a BM yesterday and when I wiped there was tiny bright red streaks, instantly freaked out, sweats, racing heart, the lot. Wiped the second time and there was the tiniest speck. Not mixed in with the stool on the toilet paper nor in the stool itself.
Mind you I did have several hard stools prior to this day that I often found I strained and I did strain yesterday. I live in a hot country as well so you're more prone to sweat and get pimples or things like that in and around that area. I do probably wipe more than I should...
But my brain is so hotwired on the worst case scenario I can't shake it. I cannot get into a doctor or anything until next year. I should be looking forward to Christmas that's upcoming and a holiday away in March but when health anxiety takes hold it can disrupt everything in my day.
I know colon cancer is unlikely out of several other things...I'm family history, my dad is 60 and he had the screening test done recently and it came bsck fine.
I'm tired of catastrophising everything...☹️