Hello!Since this covid pandemic start it affect my daily habits .. resulting on lack of physical activity. Since I've been start searching about my condition, because 2weeks ago i was constipated having a hard time to poop. At first it was more solid form of poop but its size small and it was really hurt to release at may anus. After farther searching through the internet I discovered laxative and detoxification remedies to soften my poop and then I start using it four days ago. And then i was satisfied because every morning I was pooping regularly but then my bloating stomach isn't done yet. So i decided to check again my poop what was look like. And then I've start searching again on the internet.. to understand what really is happening on my body. Then i saw some picture looks like my stool and I was start to panicking since i saw some of your post. Any advice ?I'm only 22 years old male and i have many plans in my future.. 4 day's ago I've been having lack of sleep because of thinking what was going on. I was starting to overthink that there's a cancerous cells on my body.
I hope it was only just my mind.. and i will fight it if it was the cause no matter what I'll survive if it was.