just some advice: hi there, i know this... - Charcot-Marie-Too...

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just some advice

6 Replies

hi there, i know this is probably a silly question, my mum has CMT but neither me or my sister (we r 24 and 21) do, I am currently pregnant with my first child and wondering if there is a chance that my child would have it? I am seeing the midwife in 8 days and will tell her just in case but I am just wondering as my mum (although she wasn't the one that told me) is worried incase my child has it.

6 Replies

Hi Ceribean, I believe it skips generations, I'm one of three, my older brother did not have CMT , I do but less severe than my little brother, both my kids are free from it and so far no signs of it in any of my grand kids, but its early yet. My brother with CMT has two boys, one with, one with out. I wish you luck.

Jazzyjoan profile image

Hi Ceribean, My daughter is in the same position as yourself. We went to see a genetic counsellor and she said it all depends on which type of CMT you have. We both had a blood tests for her to determine which type I had (CMT Type 1A) and if my daughter had it but it hadn't shown itself yet and she said it not possible in our case as my daughter didn't have it, but there are very many types of CMT so your Mum really needs to find out which she has. It does not skip generations. In my family My grandmother, mother, me and my other daughter all have it.

Shazza65 profile image

Hi, as above you need to be genetically tested or have nerve conduction studies. Not every gene involved in CMT has been identified yet. If your mum has it but you don't which can only be proved by the means ive said then you could be a carrier. I'm not sure how this then carries on through the generations. With myself I would have to have met someone with the gene to pass it on to my kids but they are carriers. I would recommend that you see a genetic counsellor to get your particular case investigated.

Amanita profile image

It's not a silly question, Ceribean, and you'll find the above answers helpful.

CMT is actually a group of inherited neurological diseases, which can produce broadly similar symptoms,but which are caused by a variety of different faulty genes, so the key to your question is firstly what type does your mother have?

The type of CMT can be determined by two tests- nerve conduction studies (done with electrodes, and giving quick results), and genetic testing, done from a blood sample, (and guided by the nerve test result) - the result of which takes some months to come through. Neither test is guaranteed to be conclusive, however, as not all the possible genetic causes are well understood.

If your mother has type 1A , the commonest (my sort), it is very likely to be identifiable with the above tests. It is also likely that you would have some idea by now whether you might have inherited it, as it tends to start to make itself apparent by your late teens if not long before. Some types do not manifest themselves until, say, your 40s (I know someone with CMT type 2 in this situation). Each of these is carried by a dominant gene, so you would have a 50 percent chance of having inherited it. However Shazza's type of CMT is carried by a recessive gene, so both parents would have to have that gene to produce an affected child.

You may well be advised to have the nerve and genetic tests yourself.

I hope that explains some aspects a bit, and of course, that neither you nor your yet-to-be-born child will turn out to have inherited a CMT gene.

REGreen profile image

Hi Ceribean,

If your mother has the type of CMT our family has, you would not know that you had it until you get quite a bit older. My father started to show signs in his forties but my sister and I were almost unaffected until we reached our fifties., We have type 2, but not any of the known genes for type 2. Do hope you and your baby escape itr.

Best wishes REGreen

HorshamMalc profile image

I'm afraid that having no symptoms in your 20s doesn't mean you don't have one of the various CMT gene abnormalities. I have the most common type 1A, confirmed by genetic testing, yet my symptoms didn't become apparent until I was well into my 50s. I must have inherited it from my father who was never diagnosed with CMT but, looking back to a time before my family knew about the disease, had all the symptoms in later life. You really need to find out which type your mother has, and genetic testing is the best way to be completely sure.

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