Hi, I am writing for some support / introduction into diagnosis for cahrc foot. My Auntie who is 79 was diagnosed with Cahrc foot in 2015 after severe pain led to 6 months of investigation and then eventually a broken metatarsal was picked up on an xray- she was put in a cast for 3 months and then instructed to wear an air boot and special boots for supporting her foot
In December 18 she then got severe pain in her other foot, so they again diagnosed with Char foot and went through the same process, this time no fracture or break identified, she has had the cast on for over 3 months and the pain if anything is worse now than ever.
Our concern is miss diagnoses, she has no visible defects to her foot, no cuts / bruises and they are not swelled at all. She is not responding to high levels of co conormal and has been taking gaberpanton.
Is there any other investigation known to detect other than scanning / MRI & Blood review ?
Many thanks in advance