How many people have ended up with Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) after treatment?
Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) - CLL Support
Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)

It happened to the hands and feet of a friend. She was determined to be in remission but doctors wanted to continue a couple more chemo appointments. Neuropathy appeared and so they stopped the chemo. After six months the feeling in her fingers and feet is returning and she is able to drive again..
Hi I have neuropathy in my feet 2yrs post treatment. I have been told its management and not cure. I take Pregabalin and I had physo which I found very helpful. I still drive as although I fail some pin prick tests I pass other tests and have not been told to stop driving..It effects my ability to walk with my walking group. Pre chemo I used to walk with the ramblers about 10 miles every week. Now I can manage about 6 miles at my own pace.
This has happened to my Mum, but it only started after the chemo finished. She had fortnightly sessions for four months following bowel cancer and an op to remove half the bowel. The PN started in her fingertips but since then (October 2014) it has spread and now her feet, ankles, lower legs and knees are affected too. She is so depressed. She can't feel the floor under her feet and her hands can't manage anything more taxing than a jigsaw (which might sound good, but it's a slow jigsaw!). She was referred to a neurosurgeon who has sent her for electrical tests (awaiting results) but she's just so scared that it's not going to go away - it seriously debilitates her her oncologist seemed surprised to hear about it, which was worrying as it doesn't seem like this is uncommon so how much faith should we have in the doctor?! Having seen my mum like this, i really sympathise with anyone who has it.

I had severe CIPN after RCHOP, thanks to vincristine...took 3-4 months to get feeling back, but I also suffer from 'foot drop'... permanent, but manageable...
Gives new meaning to 'Put your best foot forward...'
New Guidelines on CIPN link
Me...... It started in June aroud my 7th chemo session.. It was just the tingling session back then so they reduced the IV during the session. The week of my 8th session they called me to find out if the tinglingling sensation was over and i told them no,, it had gotten worse so they cancelled my 8th session. I just took the capecitabine for two weeks.
The only thing i can say is that it has gotten worse to the point i can't walk. i loose balance, fall.. i am in constant pain. I was given Lyrica and amitriptyline but they are not helping.. that's why i am awake at 1 am because of the pain. i want to chop off my toes(not literally though) i try to do things on my own but it is getting harder. two weeks ago while quing at a shop i fell. It is depressing to say the least. I am told to give it time it will go away but it is now up to my knees....