I can't find Chris's military analogy of CLL! ... - CLL Support
I can't find Chris's military analogy of CLL! Who can help me. Nicky13.

"One thing I have learned with CLL for 15 years...as you said...pace yourself...you have a wonky immune system to start with, cytokines are popping off when they shouldn't be, your white blood cells are fighting infections by the minute with half an army...and a bunch of no good deserters that don't take orders anymore... a few gene generals are missing in action, so commands down the line are disrupted...and I hear the cooks are about to start a mutiny over the corned beef...
This is no way to run an Army... you get my point... "
See second comment on:
for Chris's full answer

It's an absolutely brilliant analogy!! I see FCR a bit like sending in the Foreign Legion. Tough, aggressive and effective but sometimes reckless in their enthusiasm and friendly fire!

Not sure how brilliant but thanks.... Neil
Remeber we make billions of white blood cells a day... this one large ARMY!
'Normally, people produce about 100 billion white blood cells a day. The number of white blood cells in a given volume of blood is expressed as cells per microliter of blood. The total white blood cell count normally ranges between 4,000 and 11,000 cells per microliter. The proportion of each of the five major types of white blood cells and the total number of cells of each type can also be determined in a given volume of blood.'