It can be so easy at times to get lost in all the adversity that comes from CLL, treatment and this life. I don't want to list all the hard, gut wrenching things I've encountered of late. Rather, I want to focus on getting past the denial, anger or depression side of grief and on to the accept and adjust or adapt.
For every challenge, I feel like I have been able to find a solution to keep moving, find meaning and contribute in life. And I want to praise God for His love, help and guidance in all of this. He is truly Good.
After a lot of research and adaptation, I am back on the trail again. Last night I climbed higher and faster than I have in 2 years and was deeply rewarded as I smelled the glorious pines, felt the crisp air on my face, moved my muscles and joints, and took in the beauty. It made me think of the Hymn, For the Beauty of the Earth and I actually memorized it while on the hike.
Here a re a couple of pics that I hope you can enjoy.