interesting report on covid complications for ... - CLL Support
interesting report on covid complications for those with high blood pressure

Thanks for this. It is useful to see actual numbers rather than the general catch-all term "co-morbidities" which we've seen since the start of the pandemic.
Thanks. Great information.
Question to everyone.
I had a retinal/optic nerve bleed in my left eye. After finally seeing a retinal specialist, I was told it was not CLL or V + O that was the culprit but
HYPERTENSIVE RETINAL BLEED. I told him my BP was typically between 120-160/60-90 and he said it needed to be 120/80 or less and to get it treated.
Since my primary care said I do NOT meet criteria for treating the HTN, the retinal specialist said I should prescribe my own low dose Lisinopril ( I am a doctor ).
So, anybody have input on what levels of blood pressure need treatment??
Hi skipro , your welcome . i am sorry to hear about your eye problem .. i really hope you get some positive answers .. the only natural treatments that work for most people is using potassium salt instead of sodium , walking , reducing any overweight issue and beet juice .. i buy the powder instead of the liquid .. i actually mix it with wheat grass powder and a fizzy vit.c drink and water .. it takes a little to get it blended well . i try to do this every day ..... blessings , james
my blood pressure varies between 180/90 and 116/75 I am treated with lisinopril and furosomide and have been all my adult life this is in the uk.I had my annual eye test yesterday and the consultant said there was no damage at the back of the eyes so it sounds as if its the luck of the draw (my dad was war blinded so I'm a bit hypersensitive to any chance of sight loss as you can imagine)