Regular dose or high dose of flu vaccine; any thoughts?
Flu Vaccine : Regular dose or high dose of flu... - CLL Support
Flu Vaccine

yes, I kind of understand what you are saying

By high dose I guess you mean aduvented flu vacc? Recommended for the older person whose immune system needs an added stimulus to provoke a helpful preventative immune reaction.
I am over 65, and now get this formulation. Knocks me out for 3 days. Fever, ache etc. My Haematologist says just go for it.
uh oh.....had mine today. I took two Tylenol just now to head off side effects. Next will be ice on the shot. Hope for no side effects as pneumovax 23 next week!! You are both lucky you have doctors who advise you.
I just had the over 65 flu shot. Easy peasy!! I was actually on the phone with my utility guy and he told me he was told to get it in the arm you use the most as you'll suffer less after effects cos you use it alot He better be right !!! Also just scheduled the pneumovax 23 for next Thursday. I chose since my docs didn't. I'm good with it and that's all that matters. Now if I can only get my husband to get even a flu shot!! I caught Covid from him where he got it at work. I don't want to catch the flu or pneumonia from him as well. I guess time will tell. Pharmacy told me yesterday the flu shots are almost out of stock in my neighborhood. Guess that's a good thing, right lol? People taking it seriously.
not a word was said to me by any of my doctors. The only two I won't be getting is Covid and Shingrex. Not due for tetanus yet. Grandson has had his vaccinations for measles mumps rubella. Hope he gets his flu shot!
October came (along with 65) n got a Medicare card, a latest Covid vaccine, a pneumonia shot, n then had a choice between a high octane Flu shot or a regular Flu shot.
Went with regular … like I do pumping gas in my 2000 Toyota!
But, had I low scored my Covid spike antibodies tests (been in the LLS antibodies study for 2 years), I would have gotten the high octane flu shot.
I know, I know, we’ve been told antibodies tests should be ignored but I admit I do use em regarding future shot(s) decision making.
Happy Birthday Pin57, and welcome to Medicare! Speaking of 2000 Toyotas, I just traded my 4 cylinder 2000 Toyota in for my husband's 2003 6 cylinder Honda. Much easier to merge into 80 mph traffic! Unfortunately my response to Covid vaccination has been more like riding a broken no-gear bicycle, and I got the high octane flu shot.
G-G - You are very wise in many ways, likely a good call to go high octane flu shot… plus getting a 6cyl vehicle… 👍 !
Good luck 🍀 to you, and others, to stay well n avoid getting the flu, Covid, and any other evil virus.
Rock on G-G, and thanks for all your keen insights/posts on antibodies. Love your charts n shared knowledge on that topic!
I have had the high dose flu vaccine ever since it has been available. Before that I received the regular flu vaccine twice during the flu time of the year as many healthcare people currently do. However, the high dose has served me well.
Panz 🙏💕🙂☘️👍🌈
I got high dose as recommended by my current specialist, but I was 60+ when I started with him and he made the high dose recommendation. I am not in my 50's, age may affect what is needed.
I’ve gotten the high dose for the last 5 years at my CLL’s advice. I’m 61. And I had one two days ago and arm sore but no other side effects.
I’m 60 and my cll specialist told me to get the high dose. He also said it’s ok if I choose the lower dose. I like to aim high!