My dad, 84 yo, Dx with CLL 10 years ago, had a recurrence of a Squamous Cell Carcinoma on his scalp after the Mohs surgery last year. The recurrent carcinoma is still relatively small. Did you have experience like that ? What were the treatment options ?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: recurrence after Mohs - CLL Support
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: recurrence after Mohs

Hi, sorry to hear about the recurrence of your dad’s SCC. It’s good that it’s been caught early whilst it’s still small. It should be perfectly possible to have more surgery on the new SCC. I know you’ve previously mentioned Mohs so I guess you are not in the UK, so I don’t know what your dad might be offered alongside surgery, but radiotherapy might well be an option. The important thing is that the doctors act quickly and check for any local spread (eg. Lymph nodes, parotid gland). Hope the treatment goes well.
I had several aunts who applied fluorouracil on suspect spots daily. They had intermittent surgery for decades too, removing lesions that kept growing. Their deaths were not cancer related in any way.
This was mmm 30+ years ago, things might be different nowadays.
I am a seventy-nine-year-old, immune compromised man who had numerous cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (cSCCs) removed by Mohs surgery and a couple by excision. Mohs is my preferred treatment option because it usually has a much lower recurrence rate. I see a skilled dermatological surgeon who treats other immune compromised patients and have not had a recurrence of a particular cSCC tumor.
After consideration of your dad’s age, the location of the recurrent tumor, and the state of his immune system; the doctors may want to do another surgery with a larger resection as soon as possible, and perhaps some radiation therapy, along with follow up scans of the area to determine whether there has been any spread.
Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are a serious continuing issue for us CLL people. I’ve had 10 dealt with so far this year — 7 by surgery, 3 by radiation. Overall about 50 since diagnosis! Take skin cancer seriously folks and get checked regularly.
I wonder if very low dose oral tablets for a short period of Venetoclax mono-therapy might knock out SCC for a while if not permanently, Mike?(caution for potential heart problems however)…Also possibly related & based on a white paper I read regarding cancers is systemic low(not just serum) b12 levels seem to be at least one factor correlated to tumor growth(1 before bed daily sublingual methyl b12 mini tabs seem to shrink my CLL engulfed lymph nodes a bit). Here2Learn
Hi Here2Learn, what makes you think that low dose Venetoclax would knock out SCC ? Did you see any studies suggesting it ?