Just curious if anyone noticed any changes in blood numbers after COVID shots, good or bad. Thanks!
Curious about any Blood Changes after Vaccine - CLL Support
Curious about any Blood Changes after Vaccine

Hi Splash24,-
Most of our past discussions focused on antibody test results, but there are a few. You may want to use the "Related Posts" box on this page- and as the titles change the contents of that box will change on each post.
Two weeks after my first Pfizer shot in February 2021 my IgG went over 1000, an increase of 86 points in three weeks. The increase may not be shot related but I did notice it because it was my first and only IgG score over 1000 since 2016. Otherwise all my blood numbers were static.
I have yet to see mine. I'll be going for a checkup in a month.
My red blood cells and platelets dipped below normal after my covid shot but they recovered a week later.
My red blood cell and hemoglobin counts dropped after 1st Pfizer vaccine. Confirmatory tests determined I had autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), for which I completed treatment for. Coincidence? I don't know. I filed a report with the CDC. AIHA is a known complication of CLL. My CLL has never been treated.
I had AIHA which my doctor said was likely triggered by a jump in my wbc. Were your wbc/lymphocytes high at the time of your AIHA? Just curious.
My WBC count was 79,000 and my ALC 75,000 with 13qdel and mutated IGHV. My CLL specialist did not have an explanation on why the AIHA occurred when it did, other than that the unpredictable dysfunctional nature of the immune system inherent with CLL can cause autoimmune conditions, AIHA being one of the more common.
Hi Tesoro , what did they give you for the AIHA and how long a period was the treatment ? and did you have any side effects from the treatment ? thanks james
James, I was initially given oral prednisone, which did not work and my specialist said it often does not. I then had 6 cycles (monthly) of obinutuzumab (textbook treatment is rituximab, but my specialist said that recent data showed that obinutuzumab was better). No side effects from the obinutuzumab, except a mild headache during the 1st infusion. Susan
Thanks for the reply Susan , i also was wondering if you had a low iron content in your blood ... my oncologist agreed to let me have an iron infusion to see if that helps since my iron content is only 1/3 of what it should be . then if that does not work he will start me on the prednisone . i was just researching the obin- this morning ... it sounds like the obin- has less side effects then the prednisone . james
James, no, my iron levels were not the problem. AIHA is when the red blood cells are attacked by our own antibodies. In my case, my specialist ran tests to confirm that this autoimmune condition was happening, as well as looked for elevated reticulicytes (immature red blood cells). My bone marrow was producing more young red blood cells to replace the depleted ones. My CLL has never been treated and my bone marrow seems to be able to produce adequate blood cells, which can become more of a problem when the bone marrow is overwhelmed with CLL cells.
Hi Susan , yes i was wondering about why my oncologist did not run a test to see if i actually have AIHA .. he thinks i have AIHA because of my CLL and wanted to start me on the prednisone to boost my red blood cells . I can not start the acalabrutinib till my hemoglobin goes up . your WBL count is much higher then mine and i was suppose to start treatment 5 months ago . my spleen is 3 times normal size.
Well, James, the obinutuzumab had a positive side benefit for me in that it also put my CLL in remission and stopped the hemolysis. Obinutuzumab monotherapy is not used to treat CLL and I don't expect the remission to last very long. My WBC count is no longer abnormal.
I had my highest count ever on the day I struggled and finally SCHEDULED my COVID vaccine. Boy did I get worked up. The actual shot did not change my numbers, they went down a little after that and have come down a little bit more since that high one. Thankfully.
I has 3 Pfizer and my CBC remained each time the same without changes.