did anyone with cll develop differant cancers
David: did anyone with cll develop differant... - CLL Support

Yes David, I had thyroid cancer , squamous cell, and then basal cell skin cancers. Dx 2002 11q & 13q. Good luck in your search.
thanks how long after being diagnosed
David, thank you for posting your question.
You will find it helpful, as we all do, to give a bit of information about your situation and dealing with CLL. I see you are in partial remission. Please share with us the treatment you are or have been on to get to the partial remission.
It helps us to know what you are dealing with because there are different health problems that can be related to specific situations.
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Squamous cell on inside of mouth and basal cell cancer on my face. Both quickly and successfully removed at dermatologist office about 18 months ago. No recurrence since then. Th skin cancers were found during 6 monthly dermatologist check-ups about 5.5 years after cll diagnosis and I was still on w&w.
BTW, my dermatologist is not convinced that these cancers were a consequence of cll. Based on non-cancerous sun damage on my arms, hands, face and head, she believes prolonged un-screened exposure to the sun may be the culprit. In any event, have your partner regularly check you for unusual growths all over your body and visit a dermatologist on a regular basis. Caught in time, most skin cancers are easily removed.

Hi David,-
The statistics collected by medical research shows we are 2.3X more likely to develop a 2nd cancer and 5X to 8X more likely to develop skin cancer as a result of having CLL. I don't believe there is any data to suggest that it is related to a specific time frame after diagnosis.
CLL negatively affects our immune system, and apparenty reduces our resistance to cancer.
So like our being alert and proactive to any possible bacterial, viral or fungal infections and getting all (non live) vaccines, we are all encouraged to get regular full body skin exams ( annual or even every 6 months if we have had past lesions removed) and be diligent with following guidelines for colonoscopies, mammograms, etc.
Yes just diagnosed with gastric cancerFinished 4 rounds of 5-FU & am scheduled to have a partial gastrectomy on July 13
All while dealing with CLL since 2009 and am on my 7th round of treatments - currently on Zanuibruitnib for the CLL
I was diagnosed with both CLL (stage 0) and Advanced Prostate Cancer (stage 4) in April, 2018. I'm not sure how long I had CLL before that so not sure which cancer is the secondary cancer.
Well, I’m always cautious about attributing negatives to CLL - it is not the source of all my ills, however it may be for some or have an impact on them. Len has made very good points which I like to view simplistically as increased risks rather than absolutes.
Having said that, I developed two Basal Cell Carcenomas, both removed successfully a couple of months back. One was just above my eyebrow the other (quite small) on my hairline. I had been to my GP about the obvious one and was referred to the local hospital. They interestingly had a good look at it and thought they knew what it was and decided to do a biopsy. However, while waiting for that a nurse pointed out they offer a ‘one stop shop’ and I could get ti treated there an then - so I grabbed the opportunity. As I brushed my hair back to allow the surgeon a good look at the big one she exclaimed there was a lurker in my hairline and would I like that done as well. Yep, saves another journey.
15 mins later walking out with two plasters not one and two samples sent to lab for analysis. Three weeks later BCC confirmed.
Impressive performance from NHS and I’m sure the ‘one stop shop’ approach speeds up treatment and reduces admin and total time for NHS. Win-win.
best to all, rob
I had breast cancer (on both sides), but well before my CLL diagnosis. Not sure if that suggests any connection between the two.
Hi David, I started with a blood cancer polycythemia vera and now have cll. Having one cancer is no protection from getting another. Mal
Hello David
I'm not sure if this will help however, 03.08.2016 diagnosed with stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (chemo therapy) during the following years I experienced major decline in all systems. October 2018 confirmed as Woldenstroem Macroglobulinemia with Bing Neel Syndrome. Chemo to no avail, then on 27 June 2020 I received an OK for Ibrutinib, that alone was a battle in itself, I registered for clinical trials in several countries during lockdown I was then contacted by a clinician in the UK informing me of a colleague who now lives in NZ. I am now in his care, and I am feeling very optimistic with the support. Ibrutinib, acalabrutinib etc are not funded in NZ.
Hello. My husband was diagnosed with CLL in January 2013, treated with FCR in 2015, due to start more treatment soon, but has now a diagnosis of prostate cancer.. he starts treatment in a couple of weeks.Stay safe,
Fran 😉
Had thyroid cancer 16 years ago.
Diagnosed with CLL in July 2015. FCR chemo did not work (aug-nov) - started on Imbruvica Dec 2015. Diagnosed with prostate cancer Feb 2020 (gleason score 9) - prostate removed July 2020)
Yes, squamous cell and basal cell. SCC got removed more than six months before I was diagnosed with CLL in June 2020. BCC six months after plus keratosis, but both had their origins in unhealed lesions at least a year previously in 2019, all on forehead. Getting the BCC removed TODAY in an hours time.
SCC is gone. BCC will be gone by this evening. Keratosis went after a course of Edufix. All never to return one hopes. So, not so much a consequence as a presequence.
This posting is a bit of deflection-therapy before I sleep the PC and go to the hospital.
Many skin cancers over the years. I see my dermatologist every 3 months, sometimrs more often.
Also David
I also have had type of skin cancers. One a squamous cell on my upper left arm and a basal cell on top of my left ear. I remain on guard for any type of cancer….skin as well as soft tissue so that means Pap tests and mammograms. I do have CT scans of my lungs as I have scar tissue from having two types of pneumonia at the same time in both lungs. Right lung cleared but left one still has shadows and or scar tissue two years later so they keep a close watch on it.
All the very best to you!
Panz 🙂☘️🙏💕
-Diagnosed with CLL in 1997 (had been dealing with enlarged lymph nodes since 1993)
-Basal Cell Carcinoma in 2012 (near crown of my head)
-Started Imbruvica/Ibrutinib in August 2018
-Switched to Venclexta/Venetaclax in January 2019 (still on Venclexta until I can get back to MD Anderson for MRD testing)
-Started monthly Rituxin infusions in February 2019 (finished in July 2019)
-Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (breast cancer) - diagnosed in November 2020 (lumpectomy path report from December 2020 showed invasive lobular, pleomorphic lobular in situ, and ductal in situ)
My CLLwas diagnosed when they removed 3 lymp nodes from breast cancer. Prior to that i do not know how long i had CLL. Also had basil cell carcinoma a long time ago. Had kidney cancer ablation in 2017. Breast cancer 2018. I can only say that i have had CLL a long time because of fatigue.
Yes. I have CLL and Waldenstrom. Right now my IGM’s are high and off the charts. Taking Calquence and soon changing to VENCLEXTA.