Her blood count was 11.5 and her Lymphocytes is at 74%
Can someone please help me read the results of... - CLL Support
Can someone please help me read the results of my 1 1/2 year old daughter.

I presume you googled lymphocytes and found us. However, it's impossible to offer any advice I'm afraid as this is a group for adults with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. You need to speak to your doctor about the results but those two parameters look like the usual results for a 18 month old child.

Hi Veronica,
As Newdawn replied to you earlier, this community supports adults with a blood cancer, so your daughter's doctor should best be able to help. Children and adults have different blood test results and half of those with the blood cancer we support are diagnosed when they are over 71. Being diagnosed under the age of 30 with the blood cancer supported by this community is very rare indeed.
Per this table, your daughter's (I presume) white blood cell count at 11.5 is perfectly normal for her age, falling right in the middle of the 6 to 17 range:
Likewise her lymphocyte percentage at 74% is just within the normal range of 44 to 74%. She may just be fighting off an illness and her next blood test could be completely fine. It might just be that her neutrophil count is low, which makes the lymphocyte percentage calculate higher. You need to check the absolute counts.
Hi, thank you for your response, if you permit i can share the results. Like i said earlier on a post i was reading here. Due to Covid-19 is very difficult to get a doctor. But your response have me relieve. thank you so much.
I'm sorry that you are finding it difficult to contact a doctor about your daughter's blood test result, which is worrying you. Why did she have a blood test?
While you are welcome to share your daughter's results, we don't have the medical expertise in this community to provide you with specific help. As you saw from the table, white blood cell count ranges change considerably in the first few years after birth. It's quite common to have blood test results go out of range occasionally, with the next test being fine. As you can see, your daughter's results are in the healthy range, just at the upper limit of the lymphocyte percentage. Percentages are a quick guide, it's the absolute count - does she have enough white cells to fight infections, which is what is important. This may be a perfectly healthy result for her. In fact a few percent of the population have healthy blood test results just outside of the published ranges.
As I said, I think your daughter's absolute neutrophil count might be on the low side within the normal range, but there's a huge healthy range. The table doesn't specify a neutrophil range for 1 to 3 years, but it's 0.5 to 9.5 for 6 months to a year and 1.5 to 7.5 for 3 to 5 years.
Generally, neutrophil counts can go up or down with an infection. Children often get infections - you may not even be aware that your daughter has one. That's probably the most likely reason for her blood test result to be towards the limit of normal percentage range.

Hi Veronica.
Are you in the UK?