Side effects of calquence
Completed 1 week of calquence for CLL with no ... - CLL Support
Completed 1 week of calquence for CLL with no side effects. Is it safe to assume I will not get the much dreaded side effects later?

Mackie, I am not sure which side effects of Calquence would be described as dreaded. Btk inhibitors have a rather long list of side effects that can manifest in the first week or over a longer period of time.
It’s natural to worry about potential side effects and I think most everyone on a btk inhibitor will experience some sort of side effects at some point in time. I don’t know there is ever a time we are totally out of the woods for btk side effects.
It is a good sign you have not had problems out of the gate. And I think it’s fair to say that for most people starting out on Calquence, any side effects they get are manageable. And our doctors have a variety of strategies available to deal with side effects.
Well, you obviously aren't reacting immediately to it, a great sign! I reacted to ibrutinib within 48 hours. Hopefully this continues!
I had occasional manageable headaches when I first started, just finishing month 5 and feeling great. Good luck to you👍
I have just had nearly a week also on Calquence. A couple of minor headaches as they predict. Otherwise I am already losing the heavy limb and tiredness I suffered with Ibrutinib.....remarkable feeling after 3 years. I am definitely a fan already!
I had very manageable, mild headaches after about 3 days and then some bruising after about 2-3 weeks. The biggest side effect for me has been fullness and constipation which in hindsight probably started early. Eight weeks in now and I’m getting a grip on how to deal with that. None of the side effects are ‘dreaded’ so far for me though I have had a pain in my tummy which I have had a scan for and am awaiting the results. Might be connected, might not. Good luck. I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Even though my platelet levels are rising - albeit slowly - the bruising I have is a bit spectacular and I have been on Acalabrutinib for 6 months now. The only other side-effect is minor blood-blisters in the mouth which just come and go again.
Mackie: I have been on acalabrutinib approximately 21 months now. Had minor headaches in first two weeks, then no more. I have occasional joint and muscle pain . But, I have to say it seems to come when I do not drink enough water for a few days. More coffee than water on those days. I do not know if there is a correlation to my pain and hydration, but I make it a point to drink a lot of water and it seems to help in the joint and muscle pain, (my experience). So my suggestion is to make sure you drink a lot of water daily. Good luck.
I've had mild, occasional headaches, and some easy bruising, after 60 days on Calquence. None of these have been severe or debilitating.