Is it safe to get the shingles shot if I have CLL? If yes, which one ?
Shingles Shot: Is it safe to get the shingles... - CLL Support
Shingles Shot

The new Shringex shot is the one recommended for us. The old one contains a live virus. It is recommended that we not get any live virus vaccines.

Yes it is safe, but the name is spelled Shingrix (no E ).
Here are the past 85 discussions about it:
I was diagnosed April 2019 with SLL. On watch and wait since then.
I've had the Shingrix shots (2/29/2020 & 7/28/2020) with no complications whatsoever. Injection site was sore for 3 or 4 days though.
If you can get it, take it, because shingles is very taxing and may provoke complications. I had shingles and the acute phase took about three weeks. It left me with periodic post-herpetic neuralgia irritation on one side of the torso.
Yes, get the shot. Two shots 3-4 months apart is what I had. No side effects other than a sore arm and I have been W&W for almost 15 years now.