I have had CLL for 15 years, still at stage1 have never had any treatment other then lab work. MY WBC has ranged form 30, to 80 over the years. If anyone is a veteran from Vietnam CLL is on the list of diseases caused by Agent Orange. I just received 100% disability from the VA after a 7 year fight
cll and the VA: I have had CLL for 15 years... - CLL Support
cll and the VA

I'm so sorry that happened to you. Very unfair, not something you signed up for. I know someone else who was unwillingly in contact with Agent Orange and they too have developed CLL. They were not in the army. I'm glad that you are receiving compensation. It doesn't give you your health back but it helps.
Thank you. They could keep the money and also take me CLL I would be happy. I was not in the Army but in the Navy off the coast of Vietnam but within 12 miles of the shore which made me eligible for benefits after an 8 year fight
Sorry, not knowing much about the armed forces I tend to lump all branches together.
I agree that no amount of money can replace your health. Money is a cold comfort.
Stevevolo, I was a Navy Diver 2 tours in Vietnam. Perhaps I can help. I am in Auburn, AL.
Dennis, 73, Venetoclax
I was also in the Navy, exposed to AO in Vietnam , I never had any problems with compensation. The VA is sometimes slow but they pay up. You should have received a good chunk in back pay for those seven years they didn’t pay you from the time you submitted the original claim.
I live in Spain and my treatments are done privately at local hospitals, hematologists. 2 years ago I was in the US and had no problems obtaining my Ibrutinib medication from them. I was seeing by hematologists and they did a FISH test on me. They treated me really well. Is you CLL mutated/un-mutated? If treatment Hasn’t started on you is probably because you’re still asymptomatic and don’t need it yet. Top of the morning to you pal, stay safe!
Thanks, I must be asymptomatic as in my 15 years with CLL have never had nor needed treatment as yet. Just see my Oncologist twice a year and lab tests 4 times a year. The only thing I have so far is that I bruise very easily. My problem with the VA was the fact that I was on an ammunition ship and we never set foot in Nam and never docked in Da Nang. We were within 3 miles of the shore but was originally denied due to that fact till a ruling last year that said if you were within 12 miles of the shore you would be eligible. Got my ships deck logs that showed were 3 miles from shore. I did get 8 years back pay also
My bro in law has CLL as a result of exposure to Agent Orange. He was a CH53 Marine pilot in Vietnam. Treatment is certainly authorized by the VA.
I too am a Navy Vietnam vet. My disability claim was aproved by the VA in 2007, with some difficulty since it took a while for the VA to get it in their heads that Da Nang Harbor is surounded by land (S. Vietnam) on 3 sides and just because I was on a ship, that doesn't mean all my shipboard time was "off shore". I'm glad with Congress' recent action, that is no longer an issue. BTW, I switched from private health care to VA healthcare and I couldn't be happier. I know there are more than a few veterans who constantly complain about their VA healthcare, but I can honestly say that all the healthcare I receive from the VA is outstanding. As as far as my treatment for CLL, my hematologist at the VA was also outstanding. She kept me in a watch and wait status for several years while waiting for the FDA to approve Ibrutinib. I've been on Ibrutinib now for around 6 years with minimal and tolerable side effects.
I am a Navy corpsman who spent 2 1/2 years at Camp Lejune from 1959-1961 which fall under the same compensation category as you did. I was first diagnosed last year and deteriorated very fast, I just completed 6 months of chemo in June. The VA back paid my
100% compensation. I am now wondering if they will keep paying compensation now that
I have completed my chemo treatments. Good luck with your CLL journey.
As long as you still have the diagnosis they will
It’s amazing to read, realize how many of us were affected with either ischemic heart desease or some type B cell leukemia siento AO exposure. I feel blessed though, specially with technology and medications to treat CLL today.
Many shipmates who served with us in Vietnam have passed from complications linked to our ailment. I guess we’re the blesses few the almighty wanted to keep around. Take good care!
Army boots on the ground Vietnam veteran. I to get 100% due to AO. Been treated very well by the VA.

So glad it worked out. We have an experienced veteran who has helped over 70 fellow veterans get the benefits they deserve, so please message me if I can help connect you or any one in need. Stay strong, Brian Koffman CLLSociety.org
Thanks so much and thanks for the link to the CLL society, 15 years with it and never have needed treatment, so far
I also have CLL but was denied VA disability benefits due to the fact that , even though I was stationed my entire tour at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland, where Agent Orange was tested, I was still disapproved for disability benefits. But I still get to see a VA oncologist (who is also affiliated with Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville TN) who is very good. I am still on watch & wait, with WBC ranging in the 20k range. Am 68 years old. Was diagnosed 7 years ago.
You should keep fighting them, get a good VSO or if that does not work get one of these legal firms that work with the VA to look into your case. No charge but if you win they take about 30%. I was diagnosed with CLL 15 years ago and luckily have never needed treatment so far
Thanks for the advice. I did see my veterans advocate yesterday to discuss other topics but he did re-review my agent orange exposure claim while I was at Aberdeen Provings Grounds. But unfortunately, the situation relative to being at Aberdeen has not changed. But he will continually to look into this issue periodically to determine whether the law pertaining to this have possibly changed. Note: I really do trust my veterans advocate, since he was able to get me disability benefits including a total knee replacement surgery , relative to an old knee injury while in the Army.