I’m on 400mg venclexta already 19 months and doing well. Went can I stop talking the venclexta?
Venclexta I’m new here : I’m on 400mg venclexta... - CLL Support
Venclexta I’m new here

without more info-who are we to tell. what is your MRD status from your blood marrow. I have read that after 24 months venclexta use does not improve the current mrd status

I read also after 24 months the mrd does not improve. I have not have any test for MRD. My dokter said you stay on venclexta for always. My WBC are 2.00 if they stay that low the Dr. will put me on 300 or 200mg Venclexta a day.

Bomma, welcome. It is good to read you are doing well on Venetoclax. What does your Dr. say about your CLL status?
What did your dr tell you ? Are you MRD u
Bomma, to my understanding no one knows for sure the answer to your question.
Some people who achieve an mrd negative remission with venclexta are choosing, along with their doctor, to get off of it and see if they have a durable med free remission.
Others choose to stay on venclexta because there is not enough evidence to know if it is save to stop.
Will those who get off eventually relapse?
How long before relapse?
Can they get back on venclexta and have if still work if they relapse?
Would they have been better off had they stayed on venclexta?
Or does staying on venclexta increase risk for toxic side effects?
Or are there some folks that benefit from staying on and some that benefit more by getting off?
These are questions doctors are trying to answer through experience and clinical trials. You should discuss with your doctor what he thinks the risks and benefits are for you. You may also consider getting a second opinion.
I think either way its a educated guess.
Thanks 🙏 lots of questions.
I will stay on venclexta for 24 months. Then have MRD test. My Dr. and I will make a decision then .
I have been on Venetoclax for two years and will be making that decision in early August when I go back to MD Anderson. It will be a team decision made by CLL specialists not an ordinary oncologist. I would encourage you to do the same.
The duration is primarily between You and your physician based on your individual responses, health status, and treatment goals.
The standard intent is a fixed duration less than or equal to 24 months considering that the patient is previously untreated and relatively fit, meeting all of the required inclusion criteria.
Below are two links that overview recommend prescribed use.
Manufacturer - venclextahcp.com/cll/fixed-...
FDA - accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatf...
Consider that the measure for continuance is an ongoing process during the intended 24 month schedule, with your individual responses and circumstances being the greatest influence.