Getting a Port tomorrow... anything I should know?
Getting a Port tomorrow..Anything I should kno... - CLL Support
Getting a Port tomorrow..Anything I should know or do?

So easy. You will be fine.
Ask where you are getting chemo if they use the spray to numb port before poke (which i liked) or if they use Emla cream 30 min before? You may need to get the numbing cream ahead of time.
Good luck! 💕
Are you the one to drive usually or are you mostly a passenger? Think of wearing a seatbelt and where it will be placed over your port. I had a double port and had mine on the right side so the seatbelt came over my left shoulder as I am usually the driver. It is an easy procedure and they make sure you are fine before they let you leave.
My hospital would not let me drive.
They usually dont want to be responsible. My nurse gave me 2 seat belt protectors for when I was a passenger and driver. Easy to slip on and off. I passed it forward when I got my port out.
She is referring to after the port has healed, like in the following weeks. Seatbelt might be uncomfortable for a couple of weeks after it is inserted, but eventually you do not even notice it.
I got my port about two years ago and had no problems at all with the surgery. The procedure was quick and revovery was also quick. I am so thankful that I got it. I get enough pokes in the arm with blood tests and shots. I started out having the port site numbed before they accessed it, but after a few times tried without numbing and liked that better. The numbing shot actually hurt more then when they access it. I still have the port now since I get monthly IVIG's. My doctor said that it can stay in for a long time as long as it is cleaned every few months. They clean mine every month after I get my IVIG.