Started may 1st on 420mg imbruvica. Just turned 67 in January hope to be around a few more years to harass my loving wife.🤣 . Only side effects are some mild headaches ear aches and have lost to teeth? Having a tough time with my doctor ,personality clash ? But carrying on ,good to find some like minded folks so hello.😁
Old fart with CLL: Started may 1st on 420mg... - CLL Support
Old fart with CLL

Hi and welcome! We hope you will find information, support and empathy here. There are many people on the site who have experience of Ibrutinib.
Check the Pinned Posts for good general information and advice.
Best wishes
Hi. Welcome to the family, A great source of knowledge and support. any questions just ask.
Hi I am on ibrutinib too, 14 months in and doing well. I have low level side effects which are intermittent and manageable.
Good luck
Welcome! My husband will be starting ibrutinib soon so these posts are helpful. Is it possible to change doctors? Being sick and clashing with a doctor is frustrating.
i'm 68. I don't think i;m old. However fat-maybe-lol
I don't think 67 is classified as old anymore. I think the new old is 80 or 90, so you get a reprieve. lol This sight has been wonderful. A lot of support and knowledge regarding the treatments. For me mainly the side effects of Ibrutinib which has not lasted long, some just a few days and then they move on to create havoc in some other spot. I imagine they are like a little squad of pacmen going through my body. lol
Recently I read the post that using water piks help cut down on colds, flu, ect. It was either here or another similar web. So I am off to purchase a water pik. I floss everyday and use an electric tooth brush, don't really get sick very often however since I am on Ibrutinib so extra cautious.
Scott-please respond have you received your Imbruvica yet?? I have a new address and am awaiting my first delivery to MI. It comes out of FL. It is to arrive today but because of where I live I have a gut feeling the there could be an issue. I know what you have had to deal with. 😍💕🙏☘️ Thanks....have a safe holiday weekend!
Bite your tongue. Old Fart? ?? Age is an attitude and you just need to have more attitude than most. Hope to see you around for a long time yet .
signed..Young at heart and feisty as Hades.
Thanks for your happy for you it was a good answer. I too did receive my delivery, however, it was a tad unsettling for a short time but a phone call got things right...very thankful!
You have a safe Holiday Weekend. Just be safe!!!
I'm adding a link to CLL physicians by location in case you are looking for a new doctor.
I also wanted to share with you CLL Society’s Expert Access Program, which provides a free consult with a CLL expert physician after their review of your medical records from your local doctor. You receive a summary to share with your treatment team after the video consultation. It is not meant as a substitute for medical care, but a way to answer questions and receive personalized information. Inclusion criteria includes living in the USA, a diagnosis of CLL, and you are not currently seeing a top CLL doctor; apply for the program here:
Please feel free to reach out with any questions to
Liza Avruch
Program Director
CLL Society
Thank you for the info
Old Fart-I begin my three capsules tomorrow-also 67 years old-lets watch out for each other
Hi: Welcome to our club. 67 isn't very old - your barely past middle age. We "Elders" are still here, fighting the war against CLL. Nowadays we're living longer, and living better than we originally thought possible. Lost of new stuff in the pipeline to help. I'm 76, and doing fairly well most of the time. On Ibrutinib since late 2016, and for the most part doing well.
Still working (but less). Be well.
I just noticed this. I am 66 - and 66 is NOT old!! So 67 is not old either. If you knew the infantile things I do - you would be shocked. Age is a state of mind (as others have said).
So, you can be a fart if you want, but not an "old fart." I think that says it all!
Sarcasm is a form of higher learning, don't take everything i say at face value some of it is just kidding. Try to relax and enjoy yourself, life is a journey, enjoy the ride.😁😁😁
Rode crotch rockets(yamaha,kawasaki) lot of fun but fast,don't think or react that quick anymore had to give up the jap bikes. But if i was 20 yrs younger🤣🤣🤣
67 is not that old!