I am on the Flair trial am now approaching my last lot of FCR. When signing up to Flair given the choice FCR would have been my last choice of treatment, but on reflection although it has been tough, I am glad it’s the arm I was given. My haematologist told me that it is still regarded as the gold standard of treatment and for me my bloods are back to normal and I feel great, and it’s a comparatively short course of treatment compared to others. So if you go onto Flair and get the FCR arm don’t despair, it’s not pleasant but hopefully like me your results will be great. Good luck to you all.
Last cycle of FCR next week: I am on the Flair... - CLL Support
Last cycle of FCR next week

Well done. 1 round to go.
I am 3 mths out of FCR, and physically feel.in great shape. Neuts still low-ish... taking care of the current flu virus, staying clear of crowds.
So good to hear that you are pleased with your treatment, fingers crossed for a long and happy life after FOR 😀🙏
I had 3 cycles of FCR and in remission. It was uneventful. Glad ur doing well. But I am wondering why you are calling it Flair?
Flair is the name of the trial being run in the uk, which is trialing three different approach to treating CLL, I was put on the FCR section of the trial.
Interesting...FCR in the USA is a frontline treatment. By itself it's not a flair. I did really well with it. I wish the same for you! 💕
Trials are often given names. Flair is just the name given to this trial. Most trials, when they get to phase three involve comparing newer drugs or drug combos to a “standard of care”. FCR is one that is often the standard of care trial arm. The trial compares the effectiveness of the standard of care option to one or more newer drugs or drug combinations. FCR is the standard of care option in the Flair trial. Patients are randomly assigned to one of 4 arms. Dandelup was randomized to FCR.
I’m glad that you see the end in sight and are feeling good about where you ended up, Dandelup!
Thanks for the positive post. I am about to start FCR on Monday 15th July also on FLAIR trial. I was disappointed to get this as I really wanted Ibrutinib but on randomisation missed out. The upside is after 6 months hopefully it will be over.