Has anyone with CLL had problems with an extremely High EOSINOPHILIA labs? Mind is at a major high of (15). Had been going way up over the past year! We have changed out 4 of my regular medications and still no change. Any ideas?
Mimi in GA
Has anyone with CLL had problems with an extremely High EOSINOPHILIA labs? Mind is at a major high of (15). Had been going way up over the past year! We have changed out 4 of my regular medications and still no change. Any ideas?
Mimi in GA
Yesterday mine showed high too. Dr says that I’m slightly allergic to the venclexta hence all the terrible itching I’m feeling, but we are treating the itch with low dose prednisone and prescription Benadryl because the venclexta is working and my other numbers are getting close to normal again.
Eosinophil counts do increase in allergic responses, but Mimi, you should still raise this with your doctor.
That’s good news! However, I am not on any treatment; still under watch and wait. So, we just don’t know but it eventually effects your irgans and can be fatal??
Mimi in GA
If it is 15 and not 1.5 (depends on the units of measurement) then 15 is remarkably high and needs investigation.
Common allergies such as hay fever, asthma, eczema can cause high eosin counts but I've not seen them as high as 15.
There is another cause that is more worrisome and that's hypereosinophilia syndrome which can cause organ damage. It's more common in people with all types leukaemia or lymphoma.
Here's a link that might help:
My daughter has excess eosinophils in her esophagus to the point of not being able to swallow her food. It turns out that she has a reaction to dairy and gluten. Not an allergy, per se, but definitely an intolerance. She didn't have any other noticeable symptoms and yet this could become life threatening. I would urge you to look into an elimination diet as a relatively easy investigation.
sure seems worth a try and as said above, relatively easy
Yes, have not had any swallowing problems?
Eosinophils, as I understand are a type of white blood cell. They increase in response to some "threat". My daughter's are collecting in her esophagus, but they are throughout your body and could cause issues in other places for other individuals. Food sensitivities can begin at any point in the system from mouth to intestines and as such can show symptoms absolutely anywhere; skin, joints, nervous system, breathing , anywhere. My thought is...if a few mg of " medicine" can cause change throughout our body, isn't it likely that the chemical components of our food could cause " side effects" just as easily?
#MeToo - exclusion diet identified egg allergy (8 in 1000 adults..) after 25 years of swallowing problems - narrowed oesophagus/duodenum, damaged valves, eosinophilic eosophagitis..
Since excluding ALL egg from diet, and a dilation procedure, my swallowing has maintained.. Never like new, as damage is present, but so much better than choking and so on..
Was she tested for alpha gal? It is a tick born illness spreading all over the east coast (from common lone star ticks) -- makes you allergic to all things mammal. EVerything. Gelatin capsules. etc. Some people have stronger allergy reactions than others. My son was found to have this plus reaction to gluten so he's on the diet your daughter may need to be on. Hard, but he adjusts.