What does lymphocytosis (symptomatic) really mean I'm having a hard time clearly understanding this when I look it up here are my test results this has been a 3 yr pattern just getting slowly higher till this yr went from 13.5 wbc to 15.0 wbc in 3 weeks no infection and have not been feeling right since 2004 they figure that its been going atleast that long had galblader and apendex out in 2005 just because of unknown infection and swelling for unknown reasons I am 47 now and sick of being sick
Lymphocytosis? (Symptomatic)? : What does... - CLL Support
Lymphocytosis? (Symptomatic)?

Lymphocytosis means your B cell count is raised... you have more B cells, T cells or NK cells than the average... but there can be many reasons for this... how are your teeth...?
Do you have a diagnosis of CLL? You could be Monoclonal B Lymphocytosis (MBL) , which looks like CLL but does not proliferate.
Its hard to read that image, but your absolute lymphocyte count [ALC] and absolute neutrophil count [ANC] are slightly high... one test doesn't mean a lot.

Try this site for a overall explanation of lympocytosis. After reading, if you still have questions, or as I often do, have more questions, please feel free to ask them--there will be helpful answers coming as people log on.
Perhaps this is a bit less complex...
Ty everyone I'm a nervous wreck waiting for monday to get here I have already accepted the fact I may have cancer yet again for I am a 2 time survivor already ( cervical and overian) I have hit the anger stage and I wanna know if they think I have had this for approx 10 or more yrs why didnt any of my other doctors find it in 2 other states it took me moving back home to find out why I've been sick for so very long
It's difficult to read your out of range results, but it appears that you have far more evidence of an underlying infection than a blood cancer. Your lymphocyte count looks to be barely out of the reference range at I think 4.4. Those elevated neutrophil and monocyte counts in conjunction with the slightly raised lymphocyte count are more indicative of an infection than blood cancer. I'd say your symptoms should more correctly be termed leukocytosis rather than the more specific lymphocytosis.
Your doctor may refer you to a specialist for further investigation. Blood cancer can be ruled out (or much less likely confirmed) by a Flow cytometry blood test, but I suspect your doctor is more likely to refer you to a specialist in chronic infections.
Being constantly ill is a huge emotional drain and adversely impacts our lives in so many areas, so much so that some people are relieved to eventually be informed that they do have a blood cancer after struggling for years to find an answer. IF you do find that you have CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia), this community will be here for you, but I somehow doubt that you'll be joining us.
So have they yet done an analysis to see whether any of the lymphocytes are actually cancerous/ monoclonal? It could be that what you have instead is chronic infection with another cause. I hope you get more answers from you doctors.
I go monday to hematology / oncology 2nd appt for the results of (Flow Peripheral plus Reflex)
My blood work has been basicly the same for overc2 yrs we know it is not infections
turns out it is not cll yet dr said so i wont be joining yall but still may in future i have wprimary immunedeficency . srry about spelling today still shaken up i start treatment right away insteadt of being watch and wait like i was hoping for but ill cope just having to learn how to deal with all the emotions all over again it really sucks i had already goten to acceptance of cll now to start all over again so srry to take up your time but dr did say CLL may still develope because if the PI
Your symptoms just didn't fit with those we typically see with CLL, but do with a struggling immune system. CLL comes with related immune deficiencies that worsen over time and with treatment, so I am glad you are spared the incurable cancer diagnosis and hopefully will be able to see an improvement in your health with treatment. We have a spreadsheet template available that you are welcome to use to track your blood tests if that is useful to you.
You haven't shared what your treatment will be and it is possible that some of us have been given the same treatment, e.g. IVIG infusions. So possibly members have shared their experiences with the treatment you're starting. Also there are posts where we share tips on how to live better with immune systems that don't work well. Just keep in mind that the influence of our underlying blood cancer is not relevant to you and you should check with your doctor the relevance of any suggestions our members find helpful.
Thanks for informing us of the outcome of your appointment. We wish you well .