Hello is glenn here do people with cll get tired very easy like falling alseep while typing
Cll tiredness : Hello is glenn here do people... - CLL Support
Cll tiredness

I can tell you that was the worst symptom I had before treatment. Just try to keep moving. I’m sure others will have better advice. I completely understand how you feel.
Thanks pam not sure what to expect anymore started as flu normally after antibiotics goes away but swollen around jaw and glands plus tiredness and also have teeth rotting out dont know whats next that's the problem
If you haven’t done so, get your vitamin D and B12 checked. Mine were both to low.

Hi Duncsn,
It could be related to CLL/vitamin deficiencies or a host of other things but suddenly falling asleep at the computer is a bit extreme. Make sure you rule out sleep apnoea as a cause. Doctors conduct the Epworth Scale I’m posting here;
Best wishes and discuss this with your doctor.
Cheeres thanks for your im formation but fall asleep anywhere generally wolland glands in neck and jaw
Thanks for your reply
Cheeres no heart problems but shallow breathing and tirdness in general alot of headaches and pillows wet from sweat durind day and night
That sounds pretty awful, I hope you get some relief soon. I know the feedback here can help. I've heard here on this board and from my Dr. that drenching night sweats can be one of the reasons to begin treatment. That and weight loss, fatigue....of course your blood numbers are key. Hoping you feel better
Thanks for your reply ive had flu before but this time after flu its felt different my face puffed up my neck and jaw area sore and swollen got thrush and ulceres all in mouth have to get more blood test on Monday i feel tired and light headed and fell light headed and funny behind the eyes
Hi Duncsn64
Sounds like your nearing treatment with many of the symptoms you’ve described, I’m sorry to hear this..it’s a very trying time for any of us.
your light headedness could possible be related to low blood pressure, I’ve had some experience a few years ago and it gives you many of the symptoms you’ve described with the feeling behind the eyes also.
It’s always a good idea to talk with your specialist who can rule anything untoward out.
I think the ulcers and many other problems are Cll related including the fatigue as your Haemoglobin level is probably low also.
I’ve used a strong mouth wash in the past like Listerine which works well with the ulcers.
When’s your next appointment with your team?