Has anyone else had a marked improvement in hgb and platelets in a month period without treatment? My numbers trending downward for 3 years but most recent data had hgb going from 9.5 to 11.2 and platelets from 109 to 143. B2m and ldh still going up. Wbc stable at 190. I know probably just one day point but still was very surprised. Best measures I've had in last 2 years. Thanks for perspective!
Marked improvement : Has anyone else had a... - CLL Support
Marked improvement

Any change in haemoglobin greater than 0.6 is more than can be explained by testing repeatability limitations. Do you have more stamina, less breathlessness on exertion?
Platelet counts have more testing variation (I've seen up to +/-40 stated, but also +/-10 and +/-25), so your platelet jump could be due to less clumping in your test sample. A higher LDH (a measure of tumour burden) can be due to a difficult blood draw or poor sample handling.
As you say, it might be just one day point and trends are what we look for, but it is encouraging!
Basically have felt fine since diagnosis even with low hgb. Spleen is getting enlarged so probably will need treatment even if numbers stay high. Is a strange disease!
If you have low Hb, high LDH and enlarged spleen, it sort of feels you are destroying your reds. So have you discussed AIHA with your haematologist? [note, treatments are different in US and UK]. It is a known CLL complication and can happen without the CLL being too bad
How are your reticulocyte levels (if high you are making more reds to compensate for the raised destruction - a good sign in that it means your bone marrow healthy)? Are your eye-whites less white / urine darker than usual / face more grey? (all symptoms of anaemia).
Hi Quarry. Appreciate. Actually, My hgb went up almost 2 points in less than a month with no treatment. Last lab test was 11.2 while before was 9.5 and clear trend down. My reticulocytes are high normal range. My b2m and ldh are quite high 5.9 and 300 respectively. I feel good despite. Hope you are feeling well.
Hi, I am in wait and watch and my platelets were 69,000.00 and went up to 103,000.00.
Lots of praying and started using more vegetable and juicing. I tried to eat all fruits and vegetables that thicken the blood not sure if it helps. Thank you, God Bless.