My lymphocytes have gone down to 3.79 abs count. Should I be happy? Sounds like I am doing something right. Is it time to get excited?
My lymphocytes 3.79 abs count!: My lymphocytes... - CLL Support
My lymphocytes 3.79 abs count!

It's great that they have gone down, but how high have they been? What's more important is what's been happening with your haemoglobin and platelet counts, not to mention spleen and node size changes If they are stable or have improved, then it is definitely time to get excited!
My lypho have been as high as 5.61 to 6.78. My platelets between 145 and 152. My hemo between 14.5 and 15.2. Sometimes I wonder if the lypho can be hiding somewhere and I should be concerned. Thank you for taking the time!
I'd say that you are seeing natural variation for someone with stable, early stage CLL. Blood tests show variation over time and even when retested in the same machine:
Wishing you a long, long time with stable disease.

Have you ever had a definitive diagnosis of CLL JJ because I see this is your first post?
Aren’t those numbers normal? Does anyone else know? I’d be doing a happy dance.
That is what I thought. My doctor did not call me or anything.
I’d be surprised if you have CLL!
The reference lymphocyte range is between 0.85 and 4.1 or thereabouts (depends on the lab) and by defenition, 95% of the healthy population has counts within that range. JJRCVRCPBSO, if you were diagnosed via a flow cytometry test, you could have high count MBL (Monoclonal B-Lymphocytosis): bordering on becoming CLL or perhaps SLL (Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma), where the CLL cells preferentially stay in lymph nodes and are either not present or are only present in small amounts in the blood:
For your own peace of mind, I expect you'll want to follow up with your specialist to find out more about how you were diagnosed and whether you had any indication of having enlarged nodes or spleen at diagnosis. The good news is that your lymphocyte count is stable and if you are able to confirm that you have little to no nodal involvement and that is also stable, then indeed it would be quite appropriate to be excited and have that happy dance!