What does my WBC mean if it says 12.4x 10 does that mean 120 compared to what it shows normal range 4.8 / 10.8
Newly Diagnosed: What does my WBC mean if it... - CLL Support
Newly Diagnosed

Hi Cabininthewoods and welcome here. I'm sorry about your diagnosis, but you found a wonderful place to ask your questions and get lots of support. I'm kinda new here myself, so I'm not sure how to answer your question about your WBC, but you will get your answers. Lots of people here are very knowledgeable. Good luck to you.
Thank you so New really don’t know correct questions to ask. Doctor seemed to be happy I had the slow moving CLL . All I really know is that I am in stage 1 watch and wait. I would not say I’m scared but seems to be a lot of Rosie scenarios and I’m like most guys I’m more a factual type person lol. Like how long do I have with something like Cll.
There's so much to learn about CLL... It takes time to understand it and "digest" the diagnosis. I don't have it, but my husband does. After the diagnosis, he had lots more blood work done (FISH, IGVH) and this week he has more blood work to then, see his doctor again on the 24th. This will be, what I call "the real first appointment," when we will find out more about his CLL.
I'm like you, good or bad, tell me exactly as it is...
I've been getting wonderful advices from people here. You'll see, you'll get good answers. I can't do that yet... Still learning my ABCs lol.
Best wishes to you.

At 12.4, your WBC is barely out of the normal range. With CLL, you need to track the lymphocyte component of your WBC, known as the Absolute Lymphocyte Count. This post covers the use of spreadsheet templates to track trends in your blood counts, used to monitor what your CLL is doing:

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