Hi there all you clld-ers!
For those who have been interested in the possible treatment for anaemia in CLL, an interesting development. It's probably due to the chronic kidney disease taking a forward step! I am now grade 4, which apparently may not be as much fun as grade 3B was. The chronic kidney disease (ckd) can cause anaemia which does not respond to normal treatment. The standard treatment for anaemia in CKD is using Erythropietin to stimulation the bone marrow, and but that also aggrevates any high blood pressure, so it looks as if I am likely to remain anaemic from here on, as I have a really difficult high blood pressure problem. The CLL remains to poodle along quietly at present, so if one don't get you, then the other one will! Ah well, it's a good life but a shortish one. Cheers to all CLL-eders