Explain CLL .please
What is CLL ?: Explain CLL .please - CLL Support
What is CLL ?

Hi Viyjayshet,
I don't know how much complex detail you want but this is a very simple explanation;
CLL is a slow moving, chronic cancer of the B lymphocytes which are white blood cells the body needs to fight infection. These damaged cells keep reproducing but are incompetent and can begin to clog up bone marrow, impact on other organs, particularly the spleen and impair the workings of the immune system over time. This means that CLL can make the sufferer susceptible to infection because the body can't be relied on to attack and destroy infections so successfully.
It's incurable but treatable.
Whilst that is very simplistic, I hope it helps.
Hi Vijayshet,
In addition to Newdawn’s excellent account of what CLL is there is also a good overview of the condition on the CLL Support Association web site. This information can be found from their home page at:
Take Care
Kevin – Essex, UK