Nothing like a walk in the English countryside to lift the spirits,listening to the birds and just the sound of silence,Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend as well as they can,Maggie
English Countryside: Nothing like a walk in the... - CLL Support
English Countryside

Yes Maggie, there's a nice autumnal feel to the UK at the moment but it's been cool here where I am and pretty foggy today.
I fear it's the 'last of the summer shine' now and Christmas is appearing prematurely in the shops
Best wishes to everyone especially those who are having a tough time. Remember there's people here who understand.
Nice photo..
The New Forest has not yet turned as golden as your photo, but it was still great for a cycle ride this last week.
Nothing better than time spent with some exercise in the fresh forest air.
Lovely photo Maggie .
The weather has been beautiful the last week in the south
Tomorrow is going to be warm and sunny but changing on Monday .
Have a great weekend and that goes for everyone on the site
I do a walk for health every week through Epping Forest. Every week something changes. Every season is different and wonderful. Please enjoy these colourful months when the trees come into their own. Best wishes.

What a fantastic photo, Maggie. Just looking at it makes me feel good...

Beautiful photo Maggie. Our native trees are evergreen, so the only places we get to see such fantastic autumn colours is in regions where lots of exotic deciduous trees have been established. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your countryside and lifting our spirits.
You can't beat Northamptonshire this time of the year- beautiful
What a lovely photo!!! I'm in the deep south of the USA (normally Alabama, visiting our daughter in Baton Rouge, LA this weekend) and this is the first really cool day we've had in months. Just lovely! Had a wonderful afternoon at a Corn Maze and Pumpkin Festival with the 3 year old grandson. Enough to make anyone forget their troubles!!!
Lovely photo Maggie. Another good day today. My walk is taking me along the coast.
Enjoy rest of weekend.
PS Can you change that to British countryside-only a slip of the tongue (finger?) I know, but it's lovely in all parts of the U.K. countryside at the moment. Apologies for being picky!
Chris in wonderful Wales
I <3 Guernsey this time on year....You must go for Tener Fest.
The sights, sounds and smell of the countryside and damp woods are my favourite too. Enjoy the autumn and look forward to the spring.
We have some beautiful scenery in Bonnie Scotland in Autumn and Winter, and the last few nights the moon was so big and bright that it felt like that I could have touched it had I opened the windows, amazing
Elle 🌚
We were in Scotland in late June for the first time in 30 years. Went to the Aberdeen Highland Games, drove around the Highlands, did a little ancestor-hunting, visited Balmoral (had NO idea you could do that!!!) I cannot wait to get back. What a simply gorgeous country.
You're spot on! We've just come in from a glorious sunny walk - woods, hilly bit, canal path and nature reserve .................. oh, and a pub too, for purely medicinal purposes of course. Apart from all the beauty and relaxation etc we get some good talking done on our walks - happy stuff, worries, future plans, and it's a lot easier somehow to talk about the more difficult things when you're on the move. So let's hope for good Autumn days to last a bit longer.
Just arrived home from a long weekend in Norfolk. Misty mornings - the autumnal feel, and sunny days - more like summer. A real bonus to the beautiful, I find spiritual, Norfolk countryside and salt marshes. Met some beautiful people too. Feel good!!!! Hope you all find some of the relaxed good place.
That sounds wonderfull,I live in Suffolk so a little friendly rivelry between the two countys because of the football clubs.They are both wonderfull.
Michigan is still green, you can see tinges of red and orange on some of the tree tops. We still have a few weeks before we get our colors. The days are cooler and tomorrow I will go get my pumpkins and mums to decorate the house for Halloween. I would love to be walking down the path in your photo....Maria