Hi all
Due to see the Haematologist on Monday for the first time since diagnosis a couple or three weeks ago and after looking through posts on this most informative site I have taken the advice and obtained my FBC from the GP. I think I understand that the right hand side is the ideal figures you need to be between, but a little confused as to the actual readings and their relation to the standard. The figure for my white cell count is higher than it should be, but I can't relate that to is it, not so bad and just a little high, meh, just average for CLL or is it oh oh Houston we have a problem? I'm thinking that as I have no symptoms it is not so bad? Here's hoping. I will just list the ones that are outside the 'limits' and their standards, any advice appreciated.
The comments that went with the FBC were
A blood film has been examined
Smear/smudge cells present (passed to consultant Haematologist for comment)
Moderate lymphocystosis with many smear cells noted
Platelets are normal in number
Blood film findings are in favour of CLL
Total white cell count 18.5 10*9/L 4.00 -11.00 10*9/L
Lymphocyte count 11.56 10*9/L 1.50 - 4.00 10*9/L
Everything else was in range.
Cheers All